STIHL Pow­ers-up Sus­tain­abil­i­ty Efforts on Gov­er­nors Island with Bat­tery-Pow­ered Equipment


Julienne Schaer

Today, STIHL donat­ed $45,000 worth of pro­fes­sion­al bat­tery-pow­ered out­door equip­ment to The Trust for Gov­er­nors Island in New York City. The dona­tion will enable the island’s hor­ti­cul­tur­al team to main­tain 120+ acres of open space at the pop­u­lar pub­lic des­ti­na­tion. In addi­tion, STIHL donat­ed $10,000 to fur­ther The Trust’s mis­sion to edu­cate the pub­lic about urban cli­mate solu­tions and the impacts of cli­mate change on our nat­ur­al surroundings. 

At STIHL, we believe that as a leader in the out­door pow­er equip­ment indus­try, it is our duty to set the exam­ple in sus­tain­abil­i­ty and con­tin­ue to invest time, ener­gy and resources in inno­v­a­tive tech­nolo­gies, pro­grams and part­ner­ships that pro­mote respon­si­ble envi­ron­men­tal stew­ard­ship,“ said Dr. Niko­las Stihl, Chair­man of the Advi­so­ry and Super­vi­so­ry Board of STIHL. Our val­ues align close­ly with those of The Trust for Gov­er­nors Island, and we’re excit­ed to see STIHL bat­tery pow­er in action here in New York.”

The STIHL dona­tion includes the new STIHL RZA 760 bat­tery-pow­ered zero-turn mow­er, pro­fes­sion­al bat­tery-pow­ered trim­mers, blow­ers and Kom­biSys­tems, as well as bat­tery charg­ing solu­tions. The tools will be used to main­tain a mix of his­toric and new­er, man­made land­scapes — many of which were cre­at­ed to mit­i­gate the impacts of cli­mate change. 

We are so thank­ful for the STIHL dona­tion as Gov­er­nors Island con­tin­ues to grow as an acces­si­ble, year-round des­ti­na­tion for our near­ly one mil­lion vis­i­tors,” said Clare New­man, Pres­i­dent and CEO of The Trust for Gov­er­nors Island. Using equip­ment that pro­duces zero exhaust emis­sions while elim­i­nat­ing the need for fuel will enable us to care for the more than 120 acres of open space for our vis­i­tors to enjoy in a qui­et, sus­tain­able manner.”

Over the past decade, STIHL made sig­nif­i­cant invest­ments in research and devel­op­ment to address its envi­ron­men­tal foot­print. The com­pa­ny is ded­i­cat­ed to devel­op­ing prod­ucts that are envi­ron­men­tal­ly respon­si­ble and will con­tin­ue to work toward social­ly respon­si­ble envi­ron­men­tal stew­ard­ship both in oper­a­tion and man­u­fac­tur­ing, includ­ing bat­tery-equip­ment in their Vir­ginia Beach man­u­fac­tur­ing facil­i­ty cel­e­brat­ing 50 years of oper­a­tions in the Unit­ed States.

For more infor­ma­tion about STIHL bat­tery prod­ucts, vis­it www​.stih​lusa​.com.

Sum­mer 2024 on Gov­er­nors Island: What You Need to Know


Frisbee at Picnic Point. Photo by Sean Jamar

May 212024

The Trust for Gov­er­nors Island today announced a robust cal­en­dar of excit­ing and wide-rang­ing pro­grams on the Island for this sum­mer that promise to offer excit­ing expe­ri­ences for New York­ers of all ages and vis­i­tors from around the world. This year’s pro­gram­ming high­lights the breadth of activ­i­ties, events, and cul­tur­al expe­ri­ences that can be enjoyed dur­ing the warmer months on Gov­er­nors Island, includ­ing live music, food trucks, and pub­lic art installations.

Gov­er­nors Island has long been the epi­cen­ter of arts, cul­ture, and sum­mer fun in New York Har­bor,” said New York City May­or Eric Adams. As we pre­pare for warmer weath­er in the months ahead, the Trust for Gov­er­nors Island has got New York­ers cov­ered for free events and pro­grams, expand­ed hours, open space, and icon­ic views. Vis­it www​.gov​is​land​.org for more infor­ma­tion, or grab a fer­ry tick­et and head over to Gov­er­nors Island for fun activ­i­ties and deli­cious food this summer.”

Gov­er­nors Island con­tin­ues to offer unique cul­tur­al, edu­ca­tion­al, and recre­ation­al resources on 172 acres in the heart of New York Har­bor, and this sum­mer sea­son hosts even more excit­ing pro­gram­ming than ever before,” said Deputy May­or for Hous­ing, Eco­nom­ic Devel­op­ment and Work­force Maria Tor­res-Springer. We encour­age New York­ers and vis­i­tors alike to enjoy the attrac­tions on the Island — from gor­geous views of the city sky­line to unique music and shop­ping expe­ri­ences to ath­let­ic events in beau­ti­ful open space — before the end of warm weath­er this year.”

Gov­er­nors Island con­tin­ues to grow as an acces­si­ble, year-round des­ti­na­tion — offer­ing unpar­al­leled open space, thought-pro­vok­ing arts and cul­tur­al expe­ri­ences, some of our city’s best culi­nary offer­ings, a diverse com­mu­ni­ty of ten­ants and ameni­ties, and more for our near­ly one mil­lion vis­i­tors,” said Clare New­man, Pres­i­dent and CEO of the Trust for Gov­er­nors Island. It’s going to be an excit­ing sum­mer on the Island, and we encour­age all New York­ers to hop on the fer­ry and check out every­thing we have to offer this year.” 


The Trust for Gov­er­nors Island will once again offer wheel­chair-acces­si­ble tram ser­vice, free and avail­able to all guests. These all-elec­tric acces­si­bil­i­ty vehi­cles will depart from Sois­sons Land­ing and Yan­kee Pier Fri­day through Sun­day from Memo­r­i­al Day to Labor Day, stop­ping at key loca­tions through­out the Island. 

The Urban Farm — home to GrowNYC’s teach­ing gar­den, Earth Mat­ter NY’s Com­post Learn­ing Cen­ter and Soil Start Farm, and the Bee Conservancy’s bee sanc­tu­ary — is open week­ends from 12 – 4pm with free tours the first Sat­ur­day of every month. play:groundNYC’s Adven­ture Play­ground, a unique kids-only space imag­i­na­tion and explo­ration, is open every week­end from 12 – 4pm. Gov­er­nors Island Nation­al Mon­u­ment, includ­ing Fort Jay and Cas­tle Williams, is open Wednes­day-Sun­day and all Fed­er­al Hol­i­days from 10am-5pm start­ing Memo­r­i­al Day week­end for both Ranger-led and self-guid­ed tours. 

Col­lec­tive Retreats is open dai­ly for overnight stays, and QC NY is open dai­ly with two heat­ed out­door pools along­side saunas, steam rooms, relax­ation treat­ments, mas­sages, and more. QC NY will also debut expand­ed ameni­ties this July, includ­ing a new bistro, sen­so­ry saunas, a salt room, and more. 

Vis­i­tors can expect to wit­ness inno­v­a­tive cli­mate solu­tions in action on Gov­er­nors Island this sea­son, includ­ing Cir­cu­lar Econ­o­my Manufacturing’s solar-pow­ered Micro­Fac­to­ry, Pulse Grids’ unique solar POW­ER­DOME, Vycarb’s car­bon mon­i­tor­ing tech­nol­o­gy in New York Har­bor, and the inau­gur­al cohort of the Trust’s annu­al Cli­mate Solu­tions Chal­lenge win­ners, announced in March 2024. Pilot projects will be open for live demon­stra­tions and work­shops most week­ends dur­ing the sum­mer months, with com­mu­ni­ty demon­stra­tion days to be announced. The New York Cli­mate Exchange will also offer tours and info ses­sions, with dates to be announced. 


Vis­i­tors can enjoy Gov­er­nors Island’s 120+ acres of open space dai­ly. The Island’s award-win­ning, cli­mate resilient park offers rolling lawns and plen­ty of room for New York­ers to spread out for pic­nick­ing and recre­ation, includ­ing over sev­en miles of car-free bike paths. Ham­mock Grove’s 40+ pub­lic ham­mocks and path­ways nes­tled into the foliage of this young urban for­est pro­vide a relax­ing retreat. The Hills fea­ture unpar­al­leled views of the har­bor and land­marks, like the Stat­ue of Lib­er­ty and the sur­round­ing Low­er Man­hat­tan and Brook­lyn skylines. 

Pop­u­lar year-round activ­i­ties — like bike rentals with Blaz­ing Sad­dles, includ­ing Free Bike Morn­ings every week­day between 10am-12pm and CitiBike; self-guid­ed dig­i­tal walk­ing tours with Urban Archive, Ges­so, and the Black Gotham Expe­ri­ence; free dig­i­tal guides on the Bloomberg Con­nects arts and cul­ture app; and more — will con­tin­ue to be offered to Island vis­i­tors, along with pre­vi­ous­ly announced edu­ca­tion­al pro­grams with Gov­er­nors Island Nature. 


Gov­er­nors Island remains one of New York City’s most unique loca­tions for events of all kinds. See below for a selec­tion of upcom­ing events in May, June, and July, and click here for a full event cal­en­dar.

  • We Belong Here – May 24 – 26, May 31-June 2
  • NYC Footy Gov Cup soc­cer tour­na­ment – June 1 – 2
  • Low­er Man­hat­tan Cul­tur­al Council’s city­wide Riv­er to Riv­er Fes­ti­val – June 7 – 23
  • Jazz Age Lawn Par­ty – June 8 – 9, August 10 – 11
  • New York City Laven­der Fes­ti­val – June 8 – 9 
  • Porch Stomp folk music fes­ti­val – June 15
  • Gov­er­nors Island Arts THIRD Sat­ur­days – June 15, July 20, Sep­tem­ber 21, Octo­ber 19
  • FAD Mar­ket – June 15 – 16, July 20 – 21, August 17 – 18, Sep­tem­ber 21 – 22, Octo­ber 19 – 20
  • Mubadala New York Sail Grand Prix – June 22 – 23
  • NYCRUNS Fire­crack­er 5K & 10K – June 29 
  • NYC Poet­ry Fes­ti­val – July 13 – 14


Gov­er­nors Island is a true culi­nary des­ti­na­tion with a diverse mix of cuisines avail­able to vis­i­tors dai­ly. New ven­dors this year include Spec­tro, a fast-casu­al burg­er shack also locat­ed at Jacob Riis Park, and On Tea Road, a boba tea cart that has pre­vi­ous­ly popped up at sev­er­al loca­tions around New York City. 

Return­ing ven­dors includ­ing Joe Cof­fee Com­pa­ny, Lit­tle Eva’s, Taco Vista, Fauzia’s Heav­en­ly Delights, Island Oys­ter, Threes Brew­ing, Piz­za Yard, Sea Bis­cuit, Car­reau Club, Tokyo Drum­stick, La Newyork­i­na, Mak­i­na Café, Wheeler’s BBQ, and more. The Food­ie Spot — a part­ner­ship with the New York City Hous­ing Author­i­ty (NYCHA)’s Office of Res­i­dent Eco­nom­ic Empow­er­ment and Sus­tain­abil­i­ty — will return to Liggett Ter­race for the fourth year in a row, spot­light­ing small busi­ness­es owned by grad­u­ates of NYCHA’s Food Busi­ness Path­ways program. 

Open Dai­ly

  • Gitano Island – Dai­ly, 11am-10pm, Sois­sons Landing
  • Island Oys­ter – Mon­day-Fri­day, 11am-8pm; Sat­ur­day-Sun­day, 10am-8pm
  • Joe Cof­fee Com­pa­ny in the Bat­tery Mar­itime Build­ing fer­ry ter­mi­nal – Dai­ly, 7am-2pm
  • Joe Cof­fee Com­pa­ny at Liggett Ter­race – Dai­ly (begin­ning Memo­r­i­al Day Week­end), 10am-6pm
  • Lit­tle Eva’s – Dai­ly, 11am-5pm, Liggett Terrace
  • Mak­i­na Café – Week­days, 10am‑3:30pm; week­ends, 10am‑4:30pm, Colonels Row
  • Piz­za Yard – Dai­ly, 12 – 5pm, Colonels Row
  • Taco Vista – Dai­ly, 12 – 6pm, Sois­sons Landing
  • Three Peaks Lodge at Col­lec­tive Retreats – Dai­ly for Hap­py Hour, din­ner, and bar ser­vice, West­ern Promenade

Open Week­ends and Select Weekdays

  • Brigs Sweet Shop – Week­ends, 12 – 4pm, Liggett Ter­race (Open Wednes­day-Sun­day begin­ning Memo­r­i­al Day Weekend)
  • Car­reau Club – Fri­day-Sun­day, 11am-6pm, King Ave
  • Fauzia’s Heav­en­ly Delights – Week­ends, 11am-6pm, Liggett Terrace
  • The Food­ie Spot – Fri­day-Sun­day, 11am-5pm, Liggett Terrace
  • La Newyork­i­na – Week­ends, 12 – 5 pm, Colonels Row 
  • On Tea Road – Week­ends, 12 – 5pm, Colonels Row
  • Sea Bis­cuit – Week­ends, 10am-6pm, West­ern Promenade
  • Spec­tro – Week­ends, 11am-6pm, Liggett Terrace
  • Threes Brew­ing – Week­ends, 12 – 6pm, Liggett Terrace 
  • Tokyo Drum­stick – Fri­day-Sun­day, 11am-4pm, Liggett Ter­race (Open dai­ly July 1‑September 3)
  • Yed­i­nadas – Week­ends begin­ning mid-June, 12 – 5pm, Liggett Terrace 
  • Wheeler’s – Week­ends, 12 – 6pm, Colonels Row


Through pub­lic art com­mis­sions, the annu­al Orga­ni­za­tions in Res­i­dence pro­gram, and pub­lic events and pro­grams, Gov­er­nors Island Arts — the arts and cul­tur­al pro­gram pre­sent­ed by the Trust — cre­ates trans­for­ma­tive encoun­ters with art for all New York­ers, invit­ing artists and researchers to engage with the Island’s lay­ered his­to­ries, envi­ron­ments, and archi­tec­ture. Click here to view the program’s pre­vi­ous­ly announced sum­mer sea­son of free cul­tur­al offer­ings includ­ing per­for­mances, work­shops, pub­lic art­works, and more. 


Gov­er­nors Island’s sum­mer hours will return begin­ning May 25, 2024. From Memo­r­i­al Day through Labor Day, the Island will remain open until 10pm Sun­day-Thurs­day and 11pm Fri­day-Sat­ur­day, with the South Island Park — includ­ing areas like the Hills, Ham­mock Grove, and Pic­nic Point — open until 6pm dai­ly. From Labor Day through Memo­r­i­al Day, the Island is open dai­ly from 7am to 6pm. 

Trust for Gov­er­nors Island-oper­at­ed fer­ries run dai­ly between the Bat­tery Mar­itime Build­ing at 10 South Street in Low­er Man­hat­tan and Sois­sons Land­ing on the Island. Trust-oper­at­ed fer­ries also serve two Brook­lyn loca­tions dur­ing the sum­mer months — Pier Six in Brook­lyn Bridge Park and Atlantic Basin in Red Hook. These routes run direct­ly to Yan­kee Pier on Gov­er­nors Island from each loca­tion every Sat­ur­day, Sun­day, and hol­i­day Mon­day from May 25 through Sep­tem­ber 2. For sched­ules and tick­et­ing infor­ma­tion, click here.

Vis­i­tors are encour­aged to reserve fer­ry tick­ets in advance of their trip on the Gov­er­nors Island web­site. Round-trip fer­ry tick­ets cost $5 for adults. Fer­ries oper­at­ed by the Trust for Gov­er­nors Island are always free for chil­dren 12 and under, old­er adults 65 and up, res­i­dents of NYCHA, IDNYC hold­ers, cur­rent and for­mer mil­i­tary ser­vice mem­bers, and Gov­er­nors Island mem­bers. Fer­ries before 11am on Sat­ur­days and Sun­days are free for all. There is no sur­charge for bicy­cles or strollers on Trust-oper­at­ed fer­ries at any time.

The Trust also offers free fer­ry fares for non­prof­it and com­mu­ni­ty-based orga­ni­za­tions, youth camps, and senior cen­ters through­out New York City. To inquire about group vis­its, orga­ni­za­tions may email groupvisits@​govisland.​org.

NYC Fer­ry ser­vice to Gov­er­nors Island on the South Brook­lyn route oper­ates week­days and non-sum­mer week­ends. On sum­mer week­ends dur­ing the high­est rid­er­ship sea­son, NYC Fer­ry will con­tin­ue to oper­ate its ded­i­cat­ed sea­son­al shut­tle from Pier 11/​Wall Street in Low­er Man­hat­tan. NYC Fer­ry rid­ers may take any route to Pier 11 and trans­fer to the shut­tle for free, or NYC Fer­ry rid­ers may trans­fer for free at either Atlantic Ave/​Pier 6 or Red Hook/​Atlantic Basin to Trust-oper­at­ed Brook­lyn fer­ries. For tick­et­ing infor­ma­tion and full sched­ules for NYC Fer­ry, vis­it the NYC Fer­ry web­site,

As we get ready to swing into Sum­mer, I’m excit­ed to see the roll out of Gov­er­nors Island’s sum­mer pro­gram­ming,” Con­gress­man Dan Gold­man said. Fam­i­lies across our City should take the time this sum­mer to vis­it Gov­er­nors Island, one of the attrac­tions that makes NY-10 the coolest con­gres­sion­al dis­trict in America.” 

Gov­er­nors Island is the per­fect warm-weath­er escape for New York­ers and tourists – there’s more than 120 acres of open space, recre­ation­al activ­i­ties, arts and cul­ture, fam­i­ly pro­gram­ming, and local his­to­ry,” said Man­hat­tan Bor­ough Pres­i­dent Mark Levine. With a five-minute fer­ry ride, you can escape the con­crete jun­gle for a day. I encour­age every­one to take advan­tage of this unique get­away and bask in all that Gov­er­nors Island has to offer.” 

I can’t wait to enjoy Gov­er­nors Island with my con­stituents dur­ing this peak sea­son. As the biggest park in our dis­trict, Gov­er­nors Island is an oasis for fresh air and for Low­er Man­hat­tan­ites, and peo­ple across the city, to enjoy nature,” said New York City Coun­cilmem­ber Christo­pher Marte. There are so many great stew­ards of the Island who will be run­ning pro­grams for the entire fam­i­ly, and I encour­age every­one to take the quick fer­ry ride as much as they can this summer.”

Gov­er­nors Island is a New York gem: a get­away with­in the city, a cul­ture hub for New York­ers to cre­ate and cel­e­brate local artists, a cli­mate edu­ca­tion cen­ter, and a refuge to sim­ply relax and enjoy the weath­er,” said State Sen­a­tor Andrew Gounardes. I’m excit­ed for the slate of pro­gram­ming the Trust has put togeth­er, and I’m look­ing for­ward to spend­ing qual­i­ty time on Gov­er­nors Island with my own fam­i­ly this sum­mer. I’ll see you there!”

I am thrilled to wel­come every­one to Gov­er­nors Island for the start of the peak sea­son this Memo­r­i­al Day week­end. With extend­ed hours, excit­ing new pro­grams, and addi­tion­al fer­ry ser­vices, there’s no bet­ter way to kick off the sum­mer. Come enjoy the stun­ning views, diverse food offer­ings, and the vibrant com­mu­ni­ty spir­it that makes Gov­er­nors Island a unique and cher­ished des­ti­na­tion in New York City,” said New York State Assem­bly­man Charles D. Fall.

Gov­er­nors Island is one of the most beau­ti­ful spots in New York City. I hope Brook­lynites take advan­tage of the easy fer­ry access to come out and enjoy extend­ed evening hours and excit­ing sum­mer pro­gram­ming!” said New York City Coun­cilmem­ber Lin­coln Restler.

Com­ing off a cold win­ter, head­ing into the Spring and Sum­mer sea­sons, Man­hat­tan Com­mu­ni­ty Board 1 (CB1) is look­ing for­ward to the beau­ti­ful weath­er, bucol­ic open spaces and diverse pro­gram­ming avail­able on Gov­er­nors Island. CB1 is look­ing for­ward to the dozens of arts, cul­ture and edu­ca­tion Orga­ni­za­tions in Res­i­dence around Nolan Park and Colonel Row as much as relax­ing in the Ham­mock Grove and din­ing with friends at Pic­nic Point. We are so excit­ed to enjoy the 120 acres of nat­ur­al and built open spaces through the free guid­ed walk­ing tours, pub­lic art and fab­u­lous park­land,” said Tam­my Meltzer, Chair of Man­hat­tan Com­mu­ni­ty Board One. We encour­age all New York­ers to hop on the fer­ry and enjoy the Island’s nature and amaz­ing unfet­tered har­bor and sky­line views.”

I’m pleased to wel­come vis­i­tors back to Gov­er­nors Island Nation­al Mon­u­ment start­ing Fri­day, May 24, 2024, Memo­r­i­al Day Week­end,” said Shirley McK­in­ney, Man­hat­tan sites super­in­ten­dent, Nation­al Park Ser­vice. This year, we will offer Park Ranger led tours at 11:00am and 2:00pm by reser­va­tion at www​.reser​va​tion​.gov. Self-guid­ed pub­lic tours of the his­toric forts are also avail­able from 10:00am‑5:00pm, with our park rangers on site to answer ques­tions and pro­vide infor­ma­tion on the Island’s unique his­to­ry to our visitors.”

Trust for Gov­er­nors Island Wel­comes the Return of its Icon­ic Sheep Land­scap­ing Squad


Julienne Schaer

For the fourth con­sec­u­tive year the Trust for Gov­er­nors Island is wel­com­ing baaaaack a team of upstate sheep to stroll the Island’s grounds to eat inva­sive species of plants and pre­serve its ecosystem’s het­ero­gene­ity. The five sheep – Evening, Chad, Philip Aries, Bowie and Jupiter – returned to the Island this week from their home at Friends of Tivoli Lake Pre­serve and Farm in Albany. They will spend the spring and sum­mer in Ham­mock Grove, munch­ing away on inva­sive plant species like phrag­mites, bindweed and mugwort.

Since this pro­gram first start­ed in 2021 the sheep have eat­en rough­ly 14.5 acres worth of inva­sive plant species, start­ing with a whop­ping 8.26 acres that first year. The sheep ate three acres of plants in 2022 and 3.22 acres in 2023.

This work freed up thou­sands of work hours for the human beings that make up the Gov­er­nors Island hor­ti­cul­ture team, allow­ing them to focus on more impor­tant tasks. That includ­ed build­ing and land­scap­ing new path­ways in Ham­mock Grove that vis­i­tors to the Island can enjoy, among oth­er items.

Every year we are excit­ed to wel­come our sheep friends to their sum­mer home on Gov­er­nors Island, not only because they are amaz­ing crea­tures and beloved by our vis­i­tors but also because they put in the hard work that allows our hor­ti­cul­ture team to focus on more impor­tant tasks than mow­ing lawns and pulling weeds,” said Clare New­man, Pres­i­dent and CEO of the Trust for Gov­er­nors Island. We encour­age New York­ers and vis­i­tors from all over the world to take a quick fer­ry ride to Gov­er­nors Island, see the sheep in action, enjoy the best view in New York City and take in every­thing this won­der­ful place has to offer.”

We are thrilled to con­tin­ue to part­ner with Gov­er­nors Island, and our flock is hap­py to be back at work in Ham­mock Grove,” said Kim Tateo, Exec­u­tive Direc­tor and Farm Man­ag­er of Friends of Tivoli Lake Pre­serve and Farm. It has been incred­i­ble to wit­ness how, over the past four years, the sheep have been able to improve the plant diver­si­ty in Ham­mock Grove and help cre­ate a health­i­er habi­tat for all vis­i­tors to Gov­er­nors Island. We are excit­ed to offer more pub­lic engage­ment with the sheep this year, allow­ing them to edu­cate New York­ers on the inno­v­a­tive ser­vices they pro­vide both here on the Island and at their home upstate.” 

The sheep issued a joint state­ment express­ing their ela­tion on return­ing to Gov­er­nors Island for the fourth year.

Baaaaaaa, baaaaaa, baaaaaa,” they bleat­ed. Baaaaa, baaaaaa!”

Mug­wort, phrag­mites, bindweed and oth­er inva­sive plant species have a com­pet­i­tive nature and crowd oth­er plant­i­ngs on Gov­er­nors Island, essen­tial­ly cre­at­ing a mono­cul­ture. The sheep eat­ing these herba­ceous plants helps to break down and weak­en them, pre­vent­ing them from flow­er­ing and the seeds spreading.

Sheep are also unique­ly suit­ed to the work on Gov­er­nors Island, more so than goats or oth­er ani­mals, since their culi­nary tastes do not include tree bark. The sheep will eat around the young trees in Ham­mock Grove and focus on phrag­mites and oth­er del­i­ca­cies, while goats would devour vir­tu­al­ly any plant life they could get their hooves on — inva­sive or not.

Sev­er­al pub­lic engage­ment events will be held on Gov­er­nors Island in part­ner­ship with Friends of Tivoli Lake Pre­serve and Farm, fea­tur­ing live sheep herd­ing, Q&A’s with our shep­herds, and hands-on wool activ­i­ties, with dates to be announced on www​.gov​is​land​.org/​t​h​i​n​g​s​-​to-do.

In Novem­ber 2023, the Trust launched the Gov­er­nors Island Nature pro­gram, which fos­ters vis­i­tor engage­ment with Gov­er­nors Island’s 120 acres of nat­ur­al and built open spaces and pro­motes hor­ti­cul­ture prac­tices employed by the Trust’s team that sup­port bio­di­ver­si­ty — of which the land­scap­ing sheep are an ide­al exam­ple. In addi­tion to help­ing main­tain healthy, bio­di­verse habi­tats in Ham­mock Grove, the sheep allow our team to min­i­mize use of her­bi­cide along with mow­ers and oth­er tools pow­ered by fos­sil fuels. 

Through learn­ing, pub­lic pro­grams, and stew­ard­ship projects, Gov­er­nors Island Nature aims to edu­cate New York­ers about hor­ti­cul­ture and the impacts of cli­mate change on our nat­ur­al sur­round­ings, while pro­mot­ing Gov­er­nors Island as a sanc­tu­ary for all beings. In-per­son events and activ­i­ties are accom­pa­nied by a suite of dig­i­tal resources that includes an inter­ac­tive tree map, a Plant Watch” page, and more.

Gov­er­nors Island Arts Announces Spring and Sum­mer Arts Season


ArtCrawl Harlem 2023 Artist in Residence Sandy Clafford in the studio during House Fest 2023. Photo by Lucas Van Cott

Gov­er­nors Island Arts today announced a sched­ule of free pro­gram­ming and exhi­bi­tions for the Island’s Spring and Sum­mer arts sea­son, includ­ing a new per­for­mance series titled Inter­ven­tions, and 28 New York City-based non-prof­it cul­tur­al orga­ni­za­tions who will present pro­grams span­ning visu­al arts, per­for­mance, envi­ron­men­tal edu­ca­tion and more. Gov­er­nors Island Arts and NRDC will also co-present Oth­er of Pearl, a new series of pub­lic art­works by artist and envi­ron­men­tal activist Jen­ny Kendler open­ing on June 14.

The bur­geon­ing arts and cul­ture scene that has grown on Gov­er­nors Island dur­ing the past few years has become the home to some of the most antic­i­pat­ed exhi­bi­tions and per­for­mances not only in New York City but across the world, and this year is no excep­tion,” said Lau­ren Haynes, Head Cura­tor and Vice Pres­i­dent for Arts and Cul­ture at Gov­er­nors Island Arts. We encour­age art lovers from all walks of life to vis­it Gov­er­nors Island this sea­son and take in the many var­ied pro­grams and exhibits on offer from our numer­ous cul­tur­al partners.” 


Gov­er­nors Island Arts will present Inter­ven­tions, a site-respon­sive, mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary free annu­al per­for­mance series that presents local, nation­al, and inter­na­tion­al artists and invites audi­ences to expe­ri­ence work made and adapt­ed for the out­doors. Pre­sent­ed between June and Sep­tem­ber, Inter­ven­tions will present per­for­mances in dance, sound art, and the­ater that include: an invit­ed open rehearsal by Dance Hegin­both­am of their newest work, You Look Like a Fun Guy on Fri­day, June 7 and Sat­ur­day, June 8 and a per­for­mance by inter­dis­ci­pli­nary artist Rena Anakwe on Fri­day, July 19, and Sat­ur­day, July 20

Addi­tion­al per­for­mances as part of Inter­ven­tions will be announced through­out the sum­mer. Inter­ven­tions is curat­ed by Trust for Gov­er­nors Island Asso­ciate Cura­tor and Pro­duc­er Juan Pablo Siles.


Each year, over two dozen arts, cul­ture, edu­ca­tion­al, and envi­ron­men­tal non-prof­its uti­lize space inside the his­toric hous­es of Nolan Park and Colonels Row to present a robust cal­en­dar of free pub­lic pro­grams, host artist res­i­den­cies, and engage vis­i­tors in spe­cial activ­i­ties for all ages through­out the sum­mer months. Orga­ni­za­tions in Res­i­dence will open for the sea­son with a spe­cial cel­e­bra­tion on Fri­day, May 17 and will be open every Fri­day, Sat­ur­day, and Sun­day from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. through the end of October. 

Pro­gram­ming high­lights from the 2024 Orga­ni­za­tions in Res­i­dence include:

Amer­i­can Indi­an Com­mu­ni­ty House Man­hat­tan

Amer­i­can Indi­an Com­mu­ni­ty House is a com­mu­ni­ty-based orga­ni­za­tion with a mis­sion to improve and pro­mote the well-being of the Amer­i­can Indi­an Com­mu­ni­ty and to increase the vis­i­bil­i­ty of Amer­i­can Indi­an cul­tures in an urban set­ting. Their space on Gov­er­nors Island is used to present exhi­bi­tions, per­for­mances, and oth­er cul­tur­al and edu­ca­tion­al pro­grams, as well as to host artists in residence. 

AnkhLave Arts Alliance Man­hat­tan*

AnkhLave Arts Alliance is a NYC-based non-prof­it ded­i­cat­ed to advanc­ing BIPOC artists in the con­tem­po­rary art realm. Through annu­al pro­gram­ming includ­ing the AnkhLave Gar­den Project Fel­low­ship, Cura­tor in Res­i­dence, and Pub­lic Artist in Res­i­dence, they pro­vide plat­forms for artis­tic expres­sion and exchange. On Gov­er­nors Island, they will present artist res­i­den­cies, open stu­dios, and out­door sculp­tur­al installations. 

Art­Crawl Harlem Man­hat­tan

Art­Crawl Harlem’s Bound­aries & Con­nec­tions pro­gram will pro­vide space for artists to explore, inno­vate, and cre­ate under the theme Games Peo­ple Play.” The pro­gram will fea­ture 12 res­i­dent artists, three poets in res­i­dence, and a pho­tog­ra­phy exhibit. 

BronxArt­Space The Bronx

BronxArt­Space will hold artist res­i­den­cies and indoor and out­door instal­la­tions fea­tur­ing a range of Bronx based artists. From May – Octo­ber, join BronxArt­Space in 410A Colonels Row Fri­days through Sun­days to meet their artists and learn more about their artis­tic practice. 

Bronx Coun­cil on the Arts The Bronx*

Bronx Coun­cil on the Arts will present Long­wood @ Gov­er­nors Island, a res­i­den­cy pro­gram that will serve a cohort of five Bronx artists, pro­vid­ing them with free stu­dio space, expo­sure through open stu­dios, and oth­er oppor­tu­ni­ties. Bronx Coun­cil on the Arts will also present sev­er­al per­for­mances and oth­er pro­grams through­out the season. 

Bil­lion Oys­ter Project Man­hat­tan

Based on Gov­er­nors Island, Bil­lion Oys­ter Project is restor­ing oys­ter pop­u­la­tions to New York Har­bor in col­lab­o­ra­tion with NYC com­mu­ni­ties and through pub­lic edu­ca­tion ini­tia­tives, in turn improv­ing water qual­i­ty, fos­ter­ing new marine habi­tats, and cre­at­ing greater coastal resilience. Each week­end this sea­son, Bil­lion Oys­ter Project’s house will hold an oys­ter dis­play, invit­ing vis­i­tors to learn more about ecosys­tems and these engi­neers, their impor­tance to New York Har­bor, and how every­one can get involved.

caribBE­ING Brook­lyn

I AM CaribBE­ING brings their unique and inspired upcy­cled solar-pow­ered mobile art + cul­tur­al + mar­ket space reflect­ing the cul­tur­al her­itage of NYC’s Caribbean Dias­po­ra to Colonels Row on Gov­er­nors Island for the sec­ond year in a row. This year’s pro­gram will open with par­tic­i­pa­to­ry teacher project Teach­ers in Focus” fol­lowed by a site-spe­cif­ic graf­fi­ti inter­ven­tion by Guade­lou­pean graf­fi­ti col­lec­tive 4KG, res­i­den­cy in part­ner­ship with Cal­abar Gallery and month­ly Caribbean-themed pic­nics fea­tur­ing Lit­tle Caribbean arti­sans and small businesses. 

Cli­mate Imag­i­nar­i­um Man­hat­tan*

The Cli­mate Imag­i­nar­i­um is a new con­sor­tium of cli­mate orga­ni­za­tions debut­ing their cen­ter for the arts on Gov­er­nors Island. Their space will serve as a com­mu­ni­ty cen­ter for cli­mate and cul­ture, with gal­leries and spaces for exhi­bi­tions, per­for­mances, film screen­ings, and events that respond to the cli­mate cri­sis with visions for hope and justice.

DuYe Moves Brook­lyn*

DuYe Moves will present a vari­ety of free dance and move­ment class­es along­side art work­shops out­doors on Gov­er­nors Island. Fea­tured class­es include tra­di­tion­al African, Sam­ba and yoga with live drum­ming, Hula, Afro Dance, Qigong and Tai Chi. They will also hold inti­mate out­door per­for­mances from emerg­ing choreographers. 

Escap­ing Time: Art from U.S. Pris­ons Man­hat­tan

Escap­ing Time will exhib­it art cre­at­ed in pris­ons across the Unit­ed States, high­light­ing the cre­ativ­i­ty and tal­ent that exists in places of con­fine­ment while also inform­ing vis­i­tors about the myr­i­ad issues that exist with­in the carcer­al sys­tem. The exhi­bi­tion, open­ing in the fall, includes paint­ings, draw­ings, sculp­tures, and quilts made with tra­di­tion­al mate­ri­als, as well as pieces made with impro­vised mate­ri­als. Their sea­son will also fea­ture sev­er­al art workshops.

Filmshop Man­hat­tan*

The Filmshop House will host film screen­ings, film­mak­er Q&As, and hands-on work­shops on the craft of film­mak­ing led by mem­bers of our com­mu­ni­ty. Filmshop is cel­e­brat­ing its 15th anniver­sary, and the house will also high­light a ret­ro­spec­tive exhi­bi­tion hon­or­ing their evo­lu­tion over the years.

Flux Fac­to­ry Queens

Flux Fac­to­ry returns to Gov­er­nors Island with Flux Island 2024. A col­lec­tive of alum­ni from Flux Fac­to­ry’s res­i­den­cy pro­gram will pro­duce month­ly Flux Sat­ur­day” salons open to the pub­lic, as well as three group exhi­bi­tions tak­ing place in the spring, sum­mer, and fall, respectively.

Foun­tain House Gallery Man­hat­ta

Foun­tain House Gallery and Stu­dio will present a com­mu­ni­ty-pow­ered, site-spe­cif­ic instal­la­tion co-led by Foun­tain House mem­bers and staff. They will host col­lab­o­ra­tive Open Stu­dio Art Mak­ing with mem­bers of the pub­lic and artists to help con­tribute to this instal­la­tion. All artists are mem­bers of Foun­tain House, found­ed in New York City in 1948 with the belief that peo­ple liv­ing with men­tal ill­ness can be active par­tic­i­pants in their own and each other’s recovery. 

Har­vest­works Man­hat­tan

Har­vest­works will present their Art and Tech­nol­o­gy Pro­gram on Gov­er­nors Island, includ­ing a group show study­ing human per­cep­tion, work­shops, and oth­er pro­grams from Live­Code NYC, and more. 

KODA Brook­lyn

KODA House will present a sea­son that spot­lights the theme of Men­tal Health, fea­tur­ing sev­er­al res­i­dent artists. KODA will also present the 5th Annu­al Pro­fes­sion­al Devel­op­ment for Artists Sym­po­sium, explor­ing the future of artist res­i­den­cies and ways to bet­ter sup­port artists.

The Muse­um of Con­tem­po­rary African Dias­po­ran Arts (MoCA­DA) Brook­lyn

Com­mit­ted to giv­ing wings to artists by bring­ing dynam­ic, con­tem­po­rary art to a broad audi­ence, MoCA­DA con­tin­ues its lega­cy on Gov­er­nors Island with a high­ly antic­i­pat­ed exhi­bi­tion along with spe­cial art instal­la­tions, work­shops, film screen­ings, and oth­er gath­er­ings. Their 2024 sea­son will include a mul­ti­me­dia group exhi­bi­tion with works made by artists explor­ing the Black Trans­gen­der, Non-Bina­ry, and Gen­der-Non­con­form­ing (TGNC) expe­ri­ence; an exper­i­men­tal immer­sive archive inspired by Temescal cer­e­mo­ni­al prac­tices; and much more. 

New Art Deal­ers Alliance (NADA) Man­hat­tan

NADA will present their annu­al col­lab­o­ra­tive NADA House pro­gram, where more than two dozen art gal­leries and spaces from around the coun­try present pieces from a large cohort of artists, in the fall.

New York Arts Pro­gram Man­hat­tan*

For the 2024 sea­son, the New York Arts Pro­gram will invite artists to par­tic­i­pate in a net­work of per­for­mances titled Four­teen Porch­es that will fos­ter col­lab­o­ra­tion, explore the way the Island’s struc­tures can break out of their tra­di­tion­al domains and con­nect to each oth­er both lit­er­al­ly and metaphor­i­cal­ly. They will also present an incu­ba­tor pro­gram for artists dur­ing the sum­mer months. 

New York Latin Amer­i­can Art Tri­en­ni­al Man­hat­tan

NYLAAT moves to Nolan Park in 2024 and will host an artist and cura­tor in res­i­dence pro­gram. This year’s pro­gram will kick off with Body and Iden­ti­ty” Print­mak­ers and Writ­ers from the Domini­can Repub­lic, one of sev­en exhi­bi­tions each curat­ed by their cura­tors in residence. 

NYC Audubon Man­hat­tan

NYC Audubon’s sea­son­al envi­ron­men­tal cen­ter on Gov­er­nors Island will engage vis­i­tors in wildlife con­ser­va­tion and urban bio­di­ver­si­ty through week­ly bird out­ings, an artist-in-res­i­dence pro­gram, con­ser­va­tion work­shops, and a dis­play of bird-friend­ly glass options.

Pratt Insti­tute Cen­ter for Cli­mate Adap­ta­tion Brook­lyn

Adap­ta­tions 2.0, Pratt Institute’s 2024 sea­son, will fea­ture projects by lead­ing artists, archi­tects and stu­dents work­ing on cli­mate adap­ta­tion and with a focus on arch­i­pel­a­gos around the world — includ­ing New York City. Events will occur month­ly and with vary­ing fre­quen­cy with expand­ed events and walk­ing tours dur­ing NYC Cli­mate Week in Sep­tem­ber 2024.

Red Hook Ini­tia­tive and Red Hook Art Project Brook­lyn*

Red Hook Art Project (RHAP) and Red Hook Initiative’s Art Saves Lives” sum­mer pro­gram will offer diverse class­es cov­er­ing media, com­put­er build­ing, game design, audio pro­duc­tion, dig­i­tal art, port­fo­lio prepa­ra­tion, sketch­ing, ceram­ics, and more. Led by pas­sion­ate instruc­tors and vol­un­teers, the pro­gram encour­ages stu­dents to explore their artis­tic abil­i­ties freely and think creatively. 

Res­i­den­cy Unlim­it­ed (RU) Brook­lyn

RU will present a group show fea­tur­ing artists from Aus­tralia, Turkey, Hun­gary, Japan, Croa­t­ia and Switzer­land, along with mul­ti­ple open stu­dio events, curat­ed exhi­bi­tions, and per­for­mances along with work­shops led by local BIPOC artists par­tic­i­pat­ing in the Voic­es of Mul­ti­plic­i­ty (VoM) Envi­ron­men­tal Jus­tice Artist Res­i­den­cy Pro­gram, tack­ling issues relat­ed to air, land, and water pollution.

Stat­en Island Urban Cen­ter Stat­en Island

Stat­en Island Urban Cen­ter will present We Are a Water­front: Water Into Land, a mul­ti-media, envi­ron­men­tal jus­tice exhi­bi­tion born out of the work of the organization’s activists and inde­pen­dent film­mak­ers of Lost Hori­zon Films. The exhi­bi­tion cen­ters on select scenes from the films, cur­rent­ly in pro­duc­tion, accom­pa­nied by visu­al art that shares neigh­bor­hood sto­ry­telling from var­i­ous Stat­en Island artists and activists. 

Swale Brook­lyn

Swale’s 2024 sea­son focus­es on art and cli­mate, with a series of exhi­bi­tions each month from sev­er­al dif­fer­ent artists. Through­out the sea­son, Swale House pro­motes com­mu­ni­ty engage­ment with free soil work­shops and Pub­lic Food stew­ard­ship meet­ings, advo­cat­ing for envi­ron­men­tal stewardship.

Tai­wanese Amer­i­can Arts Coun­cil Queens

Island Sun­rise, Tai­wanese Amer­i­can Arts Council’s 2024 pro­gram on Gov­er­nors Island, will com­pare com­mon­al­i­ties between dif­fer­ent islands — includ­ing Tai­wan and its var­i­ous island ter­ri­to­ries — and Gov­er­nors Island, fea­tur­ing exhi­bi­tions from a broad range of artists. 

West Harlem Art Fund Man­hat­tan

The West Harlem Art Fund will present a fiber art show with per­for­mances in the spring that delves deep in Amer­i­can land­scape, his­to­ry, and water. Dur­ing the sum­mer, the orga­ni­za­tion will once again bring back their artist res­i­den­cy pro­gram with mul­ti­ple work­shops for the pub­lic to engage and their con­cert series with exper­i­men­tal and fusion jazz. They will end the sea­son with an Afro-futur­ism show in part­ner­ship with sev­er­al artists across the city.

*Orga­ni­za­tions with an aster­isk rep­re­sent first time Orga­ni­za­tions in Res­i­dence participants.

In cel­e­bra­tion of this diverse com­mu­ni­ty of cul­tur­al orga­ni­za­tions, Gov­er­nors Island Arts will present the pop­u­lar THIRD Sat­ur­days, a spe­cial pro­gram held on the third Sat­ur­day of each month through Octo­ber, and the annu­al House Fest from August 16 – 19. These free events will include a line­up of per­for­mances and work­shops, with more to be announced in the com­ing months. Pro­grams announced today include:

THIRD Sat­ur­day: May 182024

  • Fogo Azul: New York City-based all-women, trans, and non-bina­ry Brazil­ian Sam­ba Reg­gae drum line, Fogo Azul, will offer an Open Rehearsal and work­shop in Nolan Park. 11am, Nolan Park
  • Rue­da de Oro: Rue­da de Oro is a NYC based musi­cal ini­tia­tive; a non-phys­i­cal space of gath­er­ing around the Afro-Indige­nous tra­di­tion­al rhythms, drums, and dances from the Caribbean region of Colom­bia. The col­lec­tive will hold a Rue­da on Gov­er­nors Island to con­tin­ue their month­ly gath­er­ings and learn, teach, and prac­tice a rich cat­a­log of tra­di­tion­al music. 12pm, Colonels Row
  • The Isado­ra Dun­can Dance Foun­da­tion: Found­ed in New York City in 1980 to extend the dream, dance, and indomitable spir­it of the moth­er of mod­ern dance, Isado­ra Dun­can, the Isado­ra Dun­can Dance Foun­da­tion will offer a free open class in Nolan Park led by com­pa­ny mem­ber Emi­ly D’An­ge­lo. 1pm, Nolan Park
  • Film Screen­ing – In a Vio­lent Nature, co-pre­sent­ed with Rooftop Films: Don’t miss the New York pre­mière of this ambi­ent slash­er film direct­ed by Chris Nash that fol­lows John­ny, a venge­ful undead brute, as he method­i­cal­ly slaugh­ters a group of campers in the wilder­ness after they remove a pen­dant from his rest­ing grounds. Live Q&A to fol­low. Click here to RSVP. 6pm, Nolan Park

House Fest: August 16 – 192024

  • After­noon Per­for­mance with Miri­am Elha­jli, Zoh Amba, and Eliana Glass: Eliana Colachis Glass is a singer, pianist, and visu­al artist born in Aus­tralia and raised in Seat­tle. She is a grad­u­ate of the jazz pro­gram at The New School where she stud­ied with such men­tors as Andrew Cyrille, Ben Street, Kris Davis, and Jay Clay­ton. Zoh Amba is a com­pos­er, sax­o­phon­ist, and flutist from Ten­nessee. Her music blends avant-garde, noise, and devo­tion­al hymns. Her pow­er­ful­ly unique avant-garde music is full of folk melodies, mes­mer­iz­ing refrains, and repeat­ed incan­ta­tions. Miri­am Elha­jli is a Venezue­lan Moroc­can Amer­i­can com­pos­er and vocal­ist whose work is influ­enced strong­ly by the folk­loric musics of South and North Amer­i­ca, mod­ern jazz, and con­tem­po­rary clas­si­cal music. August 17, 3pm, Out­look Hill
  • After­noon Per­for­mance with Eli Fola: Eli Fola is a Niger­ian Amer­i­can mul­ti-dis­ci­pli­nary sound artist, sax­o­phon­ist, DJ, and pro­duc­er. He is the cre­ator and pio­neer of the live hybrid set Yoru­ba Tech Soul”, an inno­v­a­tive fusion of Afro­House, tech­no, jazz, and clas­si­cal music. He is often regard­ed as a sax­o­phone genius and brand­ed with the visu­al art world due to his pow­er­ful imagery that high­lights Afro­house and spir­i­tu­al­i­ty in a mod­ern con­text. August 18, 3pm, Out­look Hill
  • Dance is Life: Abdiel Jacob­sen and Natasha Dig­gs bring their social dance par­ty to Gov­er­nors Island dur­ing House Fest. Cre­at­ed as a pub­lic com­mu­ni­ty ser­vice to pro­vide the vital force that dance and music ignites with­in humans, this event unites peo­ple of all walks of life through com­mu­nal heal­ing and cel­e­bra­tion. Inspired by the lega­cy of Hus­tle being danced in Cen­tral Park for over 50 years, Dance Is Life revi­tal­izes cul­tur­al his­tor­i­cal spaces and incites inter­per­son­al con­nec­tions, expres­sions, and play among mul­ti-gen­er­a­tional com­mu­ni­ties around the globe. August 19, 7:30pm, Liggett Archway


The 2024 sea­son fea­tures a new work co-pre­sent­ed by Gov­er­nors Island Arts and NRDC (Nat­ur­al Resources Defense Coun­cil) titled Oth­er of Pearl, a site-spe­cif­ic pub­lic art exhi­bi­tion by Jen­ny Kendler telling the sto­ry of our planet’s chang­ing cli­mate. Locat­ed in the his­toric Fort Jay on Gov­er­nors Island, Oth­er of Pearl con­sid­ers the oys­ter and whale as cen­tral play­ers in the eco­log­i­cal and eco­nom­ic entan­gle­ment between human and non­hu­man beings. The artist con­fronts con­tem­po­rary envi­ron­men­tal issues — ocean noise, chem­i­cal pol­lu­tion, cli­mate change and sea lev­el rise — while point­ing to the extrac­tive his­to­ries that form the ori­gin sto­ries of our cli­mate cri­sis. Oth­er of Pearl opens to the pub­lic on Fri­day, June 14 and will remain on view every Wednes­day through Sun­day through the end of October.

Addi­tion­al works com­mis­sioned through Gov­er­nors Island Arts can be found through­out the Island’s park and his­toric dis­trict and are on view dai­ly, includ­ing Duke Riley’s Not for Nut­ten, Rachel Whiteread’s Cab­in, Mark Dion’s The Field Sta­tion of the Melan­choly Marine Biol­o­gist, Shantell Martin’s Church, Sam Van Aken’s The Open Orchard, Sheila Berger’s Bird MMXXI­II, and Mark Handforth’s Yan­kee Hanger.


Gov­er­nors Island is also home to a grow­ing com­mu­ni­ty of edu­ca­tion­al and cul­tur­al ten­ants who will present free cul­tur­al pro­grams through­out the spring and sum­mer. High­lights include:

Beam Cen­ter

Beam Cen­ter will present The Oth­er­worlds Fair, a brand-new youth-led cul­tur­al fes­ti­val, on August 17, 2024. 70 NYC high school stu­dents will work in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Beam Cen­ter through­out the sum­mer to design and pro­duce per­for­mances, art projects, and work­shops that express the world they envi­sion build­ing for them­selves. At the August event, the youth-pro­duc­ers will invite the pub­lic to learn and engage in these expe­ri­ences through the cul­tur­al lens­es of fash­ion, food, design, music, and storytelling.

Insti­tute for Pub­lic Architecture

The Insti­tute for Pub­lic Archi­tec­ture (IPA), which runs the only overnight res­i­den­cy pro­gram on Gov­er­nors Island, is host­ing an exhi­bi­tion of work by IPA Spring Fel­lows, open on week­ends 12 – 4pm through May 26 in the Block House at 9 Nolan Park. On June 1st, six Sum­mer Fel­lows from dis­ci­plines includ­ing archi­tec­ture, ecol­o­gy, com­mu­ni­ca­tions design, sculp­ture, indus­tri­al design, and urban design will arrive for an eleven-week res­i­den­cy. Through­out the sum­mer, the IPA will host a series of events – free and open to the pub­lic – includ­ing open stu­dios, work­shops, and screen­ings of The Sto­ry of the BQE, a doc­u­men­tary about the Brook­lyn-Queens Express­way and its impact on peo­ple who live in its midst.

Low­er Man­hat­tan Cul­tur­al Coun­cil (LMCC)’s Arts Cen­ter at Gov­er­nors Island

LMCC will present month­ly events and pro­grams at the Arts Cen­ter at Gov­er­nors Island, includ­ing open stu­dios and a par­tic­i­pa­to­ry Par­ty as Practice cel­e­bra­tion on May 18; the annu­al Riv­er to Riv­er Fes­ti­val June 7 – 23; exhi­bi­tions curat­ed by LMCC cura­to­r­i­al fel­lows Kiara Cristi­na Ven­tu­ra and Meghan Karnik, and more pub­lic pro­grams to be announced. 

This sum­mer, Bloomberg Con­nects — a free app focused on arts and cul­ture from Bloomberg Phil­an­thropies — will include an exten­sive guide for the pub­lic art on view, new inter­views with artists, and fea­tures on oth­er key aspects of the Gov­er­nors Island expe­ri­ence. The guide will pro­vide infor­ma­tion for vis­i­tors onsite and is acces­si­ble from any­where in the world.

Gov­er­nors Island Arts presents its pro­gram­ming with the vision­ary sup­port of the Ford Foun­da­tion, as well the Mel­lon Foun­da­tion, the Cha­ri­na Endow­ment Fund, Don­ald R. Mullen Fam­i­ly Foun­da­tion, Stavros Niar­chos Foun­da­tion, Bloomberg Phil­an­thropies, The Gottes­man Fund, Don­ald A. Pels Char­i­ta­ble Trust, the Nation­al Endow­ment for the Arts, and the New York State Coun­cil on the Arts with the sup­port of the Office of the Gover­nor and the New York State Legislature.

Gov­er­nors Island Arts and NRDC Present Jen­ny Kendler: Oth­er of Pearl


Gov­er­nors Island Arts and NRDC (Nat­ur­al Resources Defense Coun­cil) today announced a part­ner­ship to present Oth­er of Pearl, a site-spe­cif­ic pub­lic art exhi­bi­tion by Jen­ny Kendler telling the sto­ry of our planet’s chang­ing cli­mate. Locat­ed in the his­toric Fort Jay on Gov­er­nors Island, Oth­er of Pearl con­sid­ers the oys­ter and whale as cen­tral play­ers in the eco­log­i­cal and eco­nom­ic entan­gle­ment between human and non­hu­man beings. The artist con­fronts con­tem­po­rary envi­ron­men­tal issues — ocean noise, chem­i­cal pol­lu­tion, cli­mate change and sea lev­el rise — while point­ing to the extrac­tive his­to­ries that form the ori­gin sto­ries of our cli­mate crisis.

Oth­er of Pearl opens to the pub­lic on Fri­day, June 14, and will be open Wednes­day to Sun­day through the end of Octo­ber at his­toric Fort Jay, part of the Gov­er­nors Island Nation­al Mon­u­ment. The exhib­it marks the first pub­lic art exhi­bi­tion open­ing on Gov­er­nors Island fol­low­ing the March 2024 announce­ment of the Trust for Gov­er­nors Island’s new Head Cura­tor and Vice Pres­i­dent for Arts and Cul­ture, Lau­ren Haynes, who joined in March 2024.

I am thrilled that Oth­er of Pearl is the cen­ter­piece of our 2024 Gov­er­nors Island Arts pro­gram­ming,” said Lau­ren Haynes, Head Cura­tor and Vice Pres­i­dent for Arts and Cul­ture at the Trust for Gov­er­nors Island. Work­ing with Jen­ny, NRDC, and the Gov­er­nors Island team on a project that touch­es on many of the pil­lars of our pro­gram­ming has been a delight and we look for­ward to wel­com­ing vis­i­tors to the Island this sum­mer to expe­ri­ence it.”

Kendler’s first solo exhi­bi­tion in New York City, Oth­er of Pearl fea­tures a series of sev­en inti­mate, del­i­cate works — all dis­played in the cav­ernous, sub­ter­ranean mag­a­zine of his­toric Fort Jay, a star-shaped for­ti­fi­ca­tion built on Gov­er­nors Island between 1775 and 1776. In dark­ened rooms that echo with whale song, vis­i­tors will encounter pearl sculp­tures grown inside oys­ters, bells rung by fos­silized whale ear bones, a crys­talline whale eye cast of sea salt and human tears, glass vials filled with oil from long-dead whales, and a human ner­vous sys­tem metic­u­lous­ly strung from thou­sands of tiny pearls. In the adjoin­ing gal­leries, two large hand­blown glass instru­ments evoke the organs hump­back and sperm whales use to com­mu­ni­cate, invit­ing vis­i­tors’ son­ic acti­va­tion. David Gru­ber of Project CETI has pro­vid­ed the whale record­ings that become part of these sound works. After the con­clu­sion of the exhi­bi­tion, pearl sculp­tures from the show will be auc­tioned to raise funds to help cre­ate a new oys­ter reef along­side project part­ner Bil­lion Oys­ter Project, redis­trib­ut­ing resources in a ges­ture of eco­log­i­cal restora­tion. A full descrip­tion of indi­vid­ual works fea­tured as part of the exhi­bi­tion can be found at gov​is​land​.org.

While cli­mate change can be over­whelm­ing, con­fus­ing and polar­iz­ing — art has a unique abil­i­ty to reach peo­ple and help us process the chal­lenge,” said Kristin Wil­son-Palmer, Chief Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Offi­cer for NRDC. This beau­ti­ful and pow­er­ful new exhib­it from Jen­ny Kendler brings peo­ple togeth­er for reflec­tion and con­ver­sa­tion on the most sig­nif­i­cant envi­ron­men­tal chal­lenge of our time — and, hope­ful­ly, will inspire them to act.” 

An inter­dis­ci­pli­nary eco­log­i­cal artist, envi­ron­men­tal activist, nat­u­ral­ist and wild for­ager whose work has been exhib­it­ed nation­al­ly and inter­na­tion­al­ly at muse­ums, bien­ni­als, pub­lic spaces and nat­ur­al areas, Jen­ny Kendler’s work focus­es on cli­mate change and bio­di­ver­si­ty loss. Her prac­tice seeks to decen­ter humans and re-enchant our rela­tion­ship to the more-than-human human world. Since 2014, she has been the first Artist-in-Res­i­dence with NRDC, a co-pre­sen­ter of Oth­er of Pearl. Recent exhi­bi­tions of Kendler’s work include Dear Earth at Hay­ward Gallery in Lon­don, UK, Water After All at the MCA Chica­go, Music for Ele­phants at the Smith­son­ian Muse­um of Nat­ur­al His­to­ry, and Indi­ca­tors: Artists on Cli­mate Change at Storm King Art Center.

Gov­er­nors Island Arts presents its pro­gram with the vision­ary sup­port of the Ford Foun­da­tion, as well the Mel­lon Foun­da­tion, the Cha­ri­na Endow­ment Fund, Don­ald R. Mullen Fam­i­ly Foun­da­tion, Stavros Niar­chos Foun­da­tion, Bloomberg Phil­an­thropies, The Gottes­man Fund, Don­ald A. Pels Char­i­ta­ble Trust, the Nation­al Endow­ment for the Arts, and the New York State Coun­cil on the Arts with the sup­port of the Office of the Gov­er­nor and the New York State Leg­is­la­ture. Addi­tion­al sup­port for Oth­er of Pearl is pro­vid­ed by the Rip­ple Foun­da­tion as well as Roseate Jewelry.

Addi­tion­al pro­grams will be announced in the com­ing months. For vis­i­tor hours and more infor­ma­tion, vis­it gov​is​land​.org.


About Gov­er­nors Island Arts

Gov­er­nors Island Arts, the pub­lic arts and cul­tur­al pro­gram pre­sent­ed by the Trust for Gov­er­nors Island, cre­ates trans­for­ma­tive encoun­ters with art for all New York­ers, invit­ing artists and researchers to engage with the issues of our time in the con­text of the Island’s lay­ered his­to­ries, envi­ron­ments, and archi­tec­ture. Gov­er­nors Island Arts achieves this mis­sion through tem­po­rary and long-term pub­lic art com­mis­sions, an annu­al Orga­ni­za­tion in Res­i­dence pro­gram in the Island’s his­toric hous­es, and free pub­lic pro­grams and events in part­ner­ship with a wide range of cross-dis­ci­pli­nary NYC cul­tur­al orga­ni­za­tions. Recent art­works com­mis­sioned by Gov­er­nors Island Arts include projects by Charles Gaines, Sam Van Aken, Duke Riley, Shantell Mar­tin, and Mark Dion; for more infor­ma­tion, vis­it gov​is​land​.org.

About NRDC (Nat­ur­al Resources Defense Council)

NRDC (Nat­ur­al Resources Defense Coun­cil) is an inter­na­tion­al non­prof­it envi­ron­men­tal orga­ni­za­tion with more than 3 mil­lion mem­bers and online activists. Estab­lished in 1970, NRDC uses sci­ence, pol­i­cy, law, and peo­ple pow­er to con­front the cli­mate cri­sis, pro­tect pub­lic health and safe­guard nature. NRDC has offices in New York City, Wash­ing­ton, D.C., Los Ange­les, San Fran­cis­co, Chica­go, Boze­man, MT, Bei­jing, and Del­hi (an office of NRDC India Pvt. Ltd.)

The Trust for Gov­er­nors Island Announces Year of Milk­weed’ Initiative


Photo by Sarma Ozols

The Trust for Gov­er­nors Island has dubbed 2024 as the Year of Milk­weed,” a year­long ini­tia­tive that will engage New York­ers with pro­grams that will high­light the pow­er of native plants in the fight against bio­di­ver­si­ty loss. Pre­sent­ed through Gov­er­nors Island Nature, the ini­tia­tive will shine a light on the hor­ti­cul­ture prac­tices that have helped trans­form this for­mer mil­i­tary out­post into a resilient, immer­sive, thriv­ing locale for plants, wildlife, and New York­ers alike.

Events announced today include guid­ed nature walks, night­time insect ecol­o­gy events, and vol­un­teer oppor­tu­ni­ties in part­ner­ship with the Friends of Gov­er­nors Island — where par­tic­i­pants of all ages can help prop­a­gate milk­weed plants and learn about their ben­e­fits — in addi­tion to oth­er hor­ti­cul­tur­al hap­pen­ings to hon­or this vibrant plant. The Trust will also unveil a new demon­stra­tion gar­den in Liggett Ter­race this sum­mer, which will fea­ture 750 indi­vid­ual milk­weed plants and be open year-round for edu­ca­tion and relax­ation. All event details are avail­able at www​.gov​is​land​.org.

It’s the Year of Milk­weed on Gov­er­nors Island, and we couldn’t be more excit­ed to shine a light on the incred­i­ble work our team does to care for the Island’s diverse nat­ur­al areas,” said Clare New­man, Pres­i­dent & CEO of the Trust for Gov­er­nors Island. Our com­mit­ment to 5,000 plants is designed to edu­cate and direct­ly involve Island vis­i­tors in grow­ing native habi­tats and empow­er all New York­ers to help cre­ate a green­er, health­i­er city for all.”

Milk­weed is such a spe­cial plant, and we can’t wait for it to find a home in the imag­i­na­tion of all New York­ers this year,” said Leo Framp­ton, senior gar­den­er at the Trust for Gov­er­nors Island. Its part­ner­ship with Monarch but­ter­flies shows that, by find­ing a place for native plants, any­one can help our envi­ron­ment recov­er. Whether you have plants at home, par­tic­i­pate in your neighborhood’s com­mu­ni­ty gar­den, or have nev­er even heard of a native plant, we hope you’ll join us on Gov­er­nors Island to cel­e­brate the Year of Milkweed.”

Year of Milk­weed Spring/​Summer Event Schedule

  • Guid­ed nature walks explor­ing rela­tion­ship between native plants and wildlife: May 30, June 27, July 25, August 29, Sep­tem­ber 26, Octo­ber 31, Novem­ber 21
  • Insect Light Trap­ping: May 14, June 11, July 16, July 23, August 13, Sep­tem­ber 10
  • Monarch Migra­tion com­mu­ni­ty cel­e­bra­tion: Sep­tem­ber 14

Since the Island’s 43-acre, award-win­ning park was com­plet­ed in 2016, the Trust’s hor­ti­cul­ture team has helped cul­ti­vate these areas as robust native habi­tats through eco­log­i­cal hor­ti­cul­ture — a prac­tice that pri­or­i­tizes bio­di­ver­si­ty and sus­tain­abil­i­ty. The Year of Milk­weed ini­tia­tive marks the first major effort to direct­ly involve all New York­ers in the Trust’s habi­tat cre­ation work. 

The Hills, the crown­ing fea­ture of the Island’s park designed by West 8, show­case the poten­tial for urban spaces to build back bio­di­ver­si­ty. While the orig­i­nal plant­i­ngs — many of which were native to the New York City region — worked to estab­lish them­selves short­ly after the park’s com­ple­tion, eco­log­i­cal­ly dam­ag­ing plants like mug­wort and bindweed invad­ed. Through inno­v­a­tive and exper­i­men­tal meth­ods of weed con­trol like solar­iza­tion, where areas full of inva­sive plants are cov­ered with a clear plas­tic tarp to har­ness solar pow­er to cook the roots and seeds, the Trust’s hor­ti­cul­tur­al team has suc­cess­ful­ly elim­i­nat­ed inva­sive plants in more than 5,000 square feet through­out the Hills and intro­duced 52 plants native to the New York City region, ben­e­fit­ing pol­li­na­tors and oth­er local wildlife.

Plant­i­ng efforts as part of the Year of Milk­weed will focus on three species native to New York City’s eco-region: Ascle­pias tuberosa (but­ter­fly weed, select­ed as WildflowerNYC’s 2023 New York City Wild­flower of the Year), Ascle­pias syr­i­a­ca (com­mon milk­weed), and Ascelpias incar­na­ta (swamp milk­weed). They will be plant­ed through­out the Island’s 120 acres of open space, with a focus on Ham­mock Grove, the Hills, and the Gov­er­nors Island His­toric Dis­trict, in addi­tion to the new demon­stra­tion gar­den in Liggett Ter­race — an area on the Island known for its land­scaped gar­dens, water fea­tures, and sea­son­al food vendors.

These plants were care­ful­ly cho­sen for the ben­e­fits they pro­vide to monarch but­ter­flies, whose cater­pil­lar lar­vae feed exclu­sive­ly on milk­weed leaves. With their strik­ing orange and black wings, East­ern mon­archs are abun­dant on Gov­er­nors Island dur­ing their migra­tion in late sum­mer and fall, but their pop­u­la­tions have been expe­ri­enc­ing sig­nif­i­cant decline through­out the Unit­ed States over the past sev­er­al years; the Xerx­es Soci­ety for Inver­te­brate Con­ser­va­tion reports an 80% decline in East­ern monarch pop­u­la­tions. Inte­grat­ing this vol­ume of milk­weed plants into Gov­er­nors Island’s green spaces will allow mon­archs to safe­ly com­plete their life cycles while increas­ing native plant habi­tats for all Island wildlife. 

The Year of Milk­weed is pre­sent­ed through the Trust’s Gov­er­nors Island Nature pro­gram, which fos­ters vis­i­tor engage­ment with Gov­er­nors Island’s 120 acres of nat­ur­al and built open spaces and pro­motes hor­ti­cul­ture prac­tices employed by the Trust’s team that sup­port bio­di­ver­si­ty. Through learn­ing, pub­lic pro­grams, and stew­ard­ship projects, Gov­er­nors Island Nature aims to edu­cate New York­ers about hor­ti­cul­ture and the impacts of cli­mate change on our nat­ur­al sur­round­ings, while pro­mot­ing Gov­er­nors Island as a sanc­tu­ary for all beings. In-per­son events and activ­i­ties are accom­pa­nied by a suite of dig­i­tal resources at www​.gov​is​land​.org/​n​ature that includes an inter­ac­tive tree map, a Plant Watch” page, and more.

Gov­er­nors Island has under­gone a tremen­dous trans­for­ma­tion over the last two decades, includ­ing the cre­ation of a resilient 43-acre park, a grow­ing arts and cul­tur­al pro­gram, year-round pub­lic access, and remark­able growth in audi­ence. The Island is home to a diverse num­ber of year-round ten­ants, includ­ing the Urban Assem­bly New York Har­bor School, Low­er Man­hat­tan Cul­tur­al Coun­cil, Bil­lion Oys­ter Project, Beam Cen­ter, the Insti­tute for Pub­lic Archi­tec­ture, and QC NY, as well as the soon-to-open But­ter­milk Labs — a new mul­ti-ten­ant hub for coastal cli­mate solutions.

In April 2023, fol­low­ing a two-year com­pet­i­tive process, May­or Eric Adams and the Trust for Gov­er­nors Island announced the selec­tion of a new anchor insti­tu­tion for the Cen­ter for Cli­mate Solu­tions on Gov­er­nors Island. The New York Cli­mate Exchange, led by Stony Brook Uni­ver­si­ty, will be a first-of-its-kind, cross-sec­tor non­prof­it orga­ni­za­tion ded­i­cat­ed to cli­mate research, solu­tion devel­op­ment, edu­ca­tion, work­force train­ing, and pub­lic pro­grams on Gov­er­nors Island. The Trust also recent­ly announced the Gov­er­nors Island Liv­ing Lab, a new plat­form for research, part­ner­ships, and pro­grams to ampli­fy cli­mate action that includes an annu­al cli­mate solu­tions chal­lenge open to non­prof­it orga­ni­za­tions, entre­pre­neurs, and start-ups; the launch of cli­mate field trip pro­grams; and an inter­im com­mu­ni­ty con­ven­ing space on the Island. 


About the Trust for Gov­er­nors Island

The Trust for Gov­er­nors Island is the non­prof­it cor­po­ra­tion cre­at­ed by the City of New York that is respon­si­ble for the rede­vel­op­ment and oper­a­tion of 150 acres of Gov­er­nors Island. The Trust’s mis­sion is to real­ize the full poten­tial of Gov­er­nors Island for the inspi­ra­tion and enjoy­ment of all New York­ers, demon­strat­ing a bold vision for pub­lic space. For more infor­ma­tion, vis­it www​.gov​is​land​.org

Your Guide to View­ing the 2024 Solar Eclipse on Gov­er­nors Island


Timothy Schenck

New York City may not be in the path of total­i­ty for the solar eclipse on April 8, but New York­ers can still expect a pret­ty spec­tac­u­lar sight. Vis­i­bil­i­ty is esti­mat­ed to start at 2:10pm, with max­i­mum vis­i­bil­i­ty at 3:25pm and the eclipse end­ing at 4:36pm.

Gov­er­nors Island is open from 7am-6pm on Mon­day, April 8. Hop on the fer­ry — we sug­gest noth­ing lat­er than the 2:30pm fer­ry from the Bat­tery Mar­itime Build­ing — and head to one of our hand-picked eclipse view­ing spots, list­ed below. Free, ISO-cer­ti­fied solar eclipse glass­es, cour­tesy of War­by Park­er, will be dis­trib­uted to safe­ly view this celes­tial spectacle.

  • West­ern water­front esplanade, near the entrance to Col­lec­tive Retreats or along­side Cas­tle Williams.
  • The Play Lawns (base­ball fields) in the South Island Park.
  • The top of Out­look Hill, or one of the switch­backs in the ADA-acces­si­ble path.
  • The ridge­line of Dis­cov­ery Hill.
  • Pic­nic Point, the south­ern-most point on the Island.
  • The Parade Ground, locat­ed in between Nolan Park and Colonels Row.

We select­ed those spots for max­i­mum sky vis­i­bil­i­ty, but you real­ly can’t go wrong with any wide open area on Gov­er­nors Island. Vis­i­tors can pick up a pair of glass­es (one per per­son) inside the Secu­ri­ty Office at Build­ing 140 as soon as they get off the fer­ry at Sois­sons Land­ing. Glass­es are first come, first served as sup­plies last. Please remem­ber to only view the eclipse while wear­ing ISO-cert­Ti­fied solar eclipse glass­es or look­ing through a pin­hole projector. 

Click here to learn more about view­ing the solar eclipse in New York.

The Trust for Gov­er­nors Island Names Lau­ren Haynes Head Cura­tor and Vice Pres­i­dent for Arts and Culture


Hiroko Masuike/The New York Times

The Trust for Gov­er­nors Island and Gov­er­nors Island Arts announced today the hir­ing of Lau­ren Haynes as their new Head Cura­tor and Vice Pres­i­dent for Arts and Cul­ture — mark­ing an excit­ing step for­ward for one of New York City’s most unique cul­tur­al des­ti­na­tions. A world-renowned arts expert with decades of expe­ri­ence, Haynes comes to Gov­er­nors Island fol­low­ing a suc­cess­ful stint as Direc­tor of Cura­to­r­i­al Affairs and Pro­grams at the Queens Museum.

New York City remains the glob­al cap­i­tal for the arts, a haven for cul­tur­al expres­sion, and the home of the best and bright­est tal­ent from around the globe. With Lau­ren Haynes join­ing Gov­er­nors Island, New York City is prov­ing that our rep­u­ta­tion still stands true,” said New York City May­or Eric Adams. Lau­ren brings decades of expe­ri­ence that will only ele­vate the ongo­ing work at Gov­er­nors Island and open new, excit­ing doors. I wel­come her to the team and look for­ward to see­ing how she will trans­form Gov­er­nors Island into her own bold, vision­ary canvas.”

I am thrilled to join the team at The Trust for Gov­er­nors Island and Gov­er­nors Island Arts at this key moment in the organization’s tra­jec­to­ry,” said Lau­ren Haynes, Head Cura­tor and Vice Pres­i­dent for Arts and Cul­ture at the Trust for Gov­er­nors Island. I look for­ward to devel­op­ing pro­gram­ming and work­ing with artists to cre­ate projects and exhi­bi­tions for New York­ers and every­one who vis­its our city.”

We are hon­ored to have a true vision­ary at the helm of our arts and cul­ture pro­gram­ming, and we wel­come Lau­ren Haynes to her new home at Gov­er­nors Island,” said Clare New­man, Pres­i­dent & CEO of The Trust for Gov­er­nors Island. Our cul­tur­al offer­ings have grown sig­nif­i­cant­ly over the past five years, and Lau­ren is the best per­son to con­tin­ue our expan­sion as an arts des­ti­na­tion for both New York­ers and vis­i­tors from around the globe. We look for­ward to wel­com­ing the pub­lic to enjoy her inno­v­a­tive, thought­ful pro­gram­ming selec­tions in the near future.”

As Gov­er­nors Island con­tin­ues to expand access to the arts through inno­v­a­tive and immer­sive pub­lic art projects, I am thrilled to have Lau­ren Haynes join the team as their new cura­tor,” said Deputy May­or for Hous­ing, Eco­nom­ic Devel­op­ment and Work­force Maria Tor­res-Springer. Lau­ren will bring new pro­gram­ming to a unique des­ti­na­tion in the mid­dle of New York Har­bor, fur­ther cement­ing our city’s sta­tus as a world-lead­ing cul­tur­al hub and sup­port­ing our efforts to diver­si­fy our workforce.”

Encom­pass­ing both New York’s sto­ried his­to­ry with a view­point direct­ed towards the future, Governor’s Island has grown into a trea­sured cul­tur­al resource for all New York­ers,” said Eri­ka Mallin, Exec­u­tive Direc­tor of the New York State Coun­cil on the Arts. On behalf of the staff and Coun­cil, con­grat­u­la­tions to Lau­ren Haynes. We all look for­ward to expe­ri­enc­ing your vision and tal­ents at this incred­i­ble destination.”

Gov­er­nors Island shows us the incred­i­ble pow­er of the arts to trans­form our city’s pub­lic spaces into vibrant sites for trans­for­ma­tive expe­ri­ences and com­mu­ni­ty engage­ment,” said NYC Cul­tur­al Affairs Com­mis­sion­er Lau­rie Cum­bo. With her deep expe­ri­ence in NYC’s arts com­mu­ni­ty and track record of vision­ary lead­er­ship, I can’t wait to see what Lau­ren Haynes can accom­plish in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the extra­or­di­nary team at Gov­er­nors Island.” 

Lau­ren Haynes will be an excep­tion­al addi­tion to Gov­er­nors Island, ush­er­ing in a new era of artis­tic pro­gram­ming,” said Man­hat­tan Bor­ough Pres­i­dent Mark Levine. Bring­ing her decades of vision­ary work in the arts, she will undoubt­ed­ly con­tin­ue to advance the Trust’s com­mit­ment to bold and inclu­sive arts initiatives.”

I’ve been so inspired to watch Gov­er­nors Island flour­ish as a hub for New York artists, and I know Lau­ren Haynes will con­tin­ue to grow and nur­ture the Island’s vibrant cul­tur­al com­mu­ni­ty,” said State Sen­a­tor Andrew Gounardes. This sort of care and ded­i­ca­tion to the arts is more impor­tant than ever, and I’m grate­ful to the Trust for Gov­er­nors Island and Gov­er­nors Island Arts for their vision and leadership.”

Gov­er­nors Island, with its rich his­to­ry and evolv­ing cul­tur­al land­scape, con­tin­ues to assert its posi­tion as a cor­ner­stone of New York City’s artis­tic and pub­lic space inno­va­tion,” said Assem­bly­man Charles D. Fall. I con­grat­u­late Lau­ren on her new role and am con­fi­dent that under her guid­ance, Gov­er­nors Island will con­tin­ue to be a place where art and com­mu­ni­ty inter­sect in dynam­ic and mean­ing­ful ways.”

I extend my warmest con­grat­u­la­tions to Lau­ren Haynes as she leads the next phase of Gov­er­nor Island’s arts and cul­ture pro­gram­ming. Governor’s Island is a respite for New York­ers and vis­i­tors, offer­ing an oppor­tu­ni­ty to enjoy world-class events and exhi­bi­tions in a unique­ly beau­ti­ful set­ting,” said Coun­cil Mem­ber Car­li­na Rivera (D‑02). As Chair of the Com­mit­tee on Cul­tur­al Affairs and Libraries, I look for­ward to work­ing togeth­er in coali­tion to keep New York City a bea­con for cre­ativ­i­ty and expression.” 

We’re delight­ed to hear that Lau­ren Haynes will join our Gov­er­nors Island com­mu­ni­ty as the new cura­tor for TGI’s Gov­er­nors Island Arts and bring her cre­ative vision to one of the most dynam­ic places in NYC. Since 2019, LMCC has pro­vid­ed artist res­i­den­cies and pub­lic pro­grams at our Arts Cen­ter as a key cul­tur­al part­ner to Island-based orga­ni­za­tions work­ing in sus­tain­abil­i­ty, edu­ca­tion and the arts. We extend a warm wel­come to Lau­ren from LMC­C’s vibrant com­mu­ni­ty of artists and inno­va­tors,” said Craig T. Peter­son, Pres­i­dent of Low­er Man­hat­tan Cul­tur­al Coun­cil (LMCC).

Dur­ing her time at the Queens Muse­um, Haynes was respon­si­ble for the over­all vision for the museum’s exhi­bi­tion pro­gram and super­vis­ing its exhi­bi­tions, pub­lic prac­tice, and com­mu­ni­ty engage­ment teams. Haynes has over­seen exhi­bi­tions and curat­ed projects includ­ing Tracey Rose: Shoot­ing Down Baby­lon (2023) and Car­o­line Kent: A short play about watch­ing shad­ows move across the room (2023). Haynes is also the co-cura­tor of Lyle Ash­ton Har­ris: Our first and last love, which will be on view at the Queens Muse­um in May.

Orig­i­nal­ly from East Ten­nessee, Haynes moved to New York City when she was 12 years old. In 2023, Pres­i­dent Joseph R. Biden appoint­ed Haynes to the Com­mit­tee for the Preser­va­tion of the White House, on which she cur­rent­ly serves. 

Pri­or to join­ing the Queens Muse­um, Haynes was the Pat­sy R. and Ray­mond D. Nash­er Senior Cura­tor of Con­tem­po­rary Art at the Nash­er Muse­um of Art at Duke Uni­ver­si­ty, where she curat­ed Beyond the Sur­face: Col­lage, Mixed Media and Tex­tile Works from the Collection (202223) and co-curat­ed The Pow­er of Por­trai­ture: Recent Acqui­si­tions (202223) and Reck­on­ing and Resilience: North Car­oli­na Art Now (2022).

From 2016 – 2021, Haynes was Direc­tor of Artist Ini­tia­tives and Cura­tor of Con­tem­po­rary Art at Crys­tal Bridges Muse­um of Amer­i­can Art and the Momen­tary in Ben­tonville, Arkansas. Haynes led the cura­to­r­i­al team for State of the Art 2020, which opened at Crys­tal Bridges and the Momen­tary in Feb­ru­ary 2020. Haynes’s cura­to­r­i­al projects at Crys­tal Bridges and the Momen­tary includ­ed Ken­ny Rivero: The Floor is Crooked (2021); Crys­tal Bridges at 10 (2021; co-cura­tor); Sarah Cain: In Nature (2021); Nick Cave: Until (202021; insti­tu­tion­al cura­tor); Crys­tals in Art: Ancient to Today (2019; co-cura­tor) and The Beyond: Geor­gia O’Keeffe and Con­tem­po­rary Art (2018; co-cura­tor). Haynes was the insti­tu­tion­al cura­tor for the first Unit­ed States pre­sen­ta­tion of Soul of a Nation: Art in the Age of Black Pow­er when it trav­eled to Crys­tal Bridges in 2018. Haynes also led the devel­op­ment of the visu­al arts team and pro­gram at the Momen­tary (a satel­lite con­tem­po­rary art space of Crys­tal Bridges) pri­or to its open­ing in Feb­ru­ary 2020.

Before join­ing Crys­tal Bridges, Haynes spent near­ly a decade at The Stu­dio Muse­um in Harlem where she held mul­ti­ple posi­tions, includ­ing Asso­ciate Cura­tor for the per­ma­nent col­lec­tion. As a spe­cial­ist in con­tem­po­rary art by artists of African Descent, Haynes curat­ed dozens of exhi­bi­tions at the Stu­dio Muse­um and con­tem­po­rary art insti­tu­tions in New York. At the Stu­dio Muse­um, Haynes over­saw the care and col­lec­tion of the per­ma­nent col­lec­tion as well as acqui­si­tions and exhibitions.

As Asso­ciate Cura­tor, Per­ma­nent Col­lec­tion, for the Stu­dio Muse­um Haynes curat­ed four main space exhi­bi­tions, includ­ing Alma Thomas (2016; co-cura­tor); Speak­ing of Peo­ple: Ebony, Jet and Con­tem­po­rary Art (201415); Tren­ton Doyle Han­cock: Skin and Bones, 20 Years of Draw­ing (2015; insti­tu­tion­al orga­niz­er) and Stan­ley Whit­ney: Dance the Orange (2015). As an assis­tant cura­tor at the Stu­dio Muse­um, Haynes over­saw the Artist-in-Res­i­dence pro­gram in 2011-12, 2012 – 13 and 2013 – 14. She also curat­ed over a dozen exhi­bi­tions, includ­ing Car­rie Mae Weems: The Muse­um Series (2014), Kira Lynn Har­ris: The Block/​Bellona (201112), and Spi­ral: Per­spec­tives on an African-Amer­i­can Art Col­lec­tive (2011). At the Stu­dio Muse­um, Haynes co-curat­ed sev­er­al exhi­bi­tions, includ­ing Fore, the fourth dis­play of emerg­ing artists in the Stu­dio Museum’s ground­break­ing f” show series, which includes Freestyle, Fre­quen­cy, Flow and Fic­tions.

As part of her cura­to­r­i­al prac­tice, Haynes has authored and co-authored sev­er­al cat­a­logs, includ­ing Lyle Ash­ton Har­ris: Our first and last love; State of the Art 2020; The Beyond: Geor­gia O’Keeffe and Con­tem­po­rary Art; Alma Thomas, The Bear­den Pro­ject, Speak­ing of Peo­ple: Ebony, Jet, and Con­tem­po­rary Art and Stan­ley Whit­ney: Dance the Orange.

Haynes has par­tic­i­pat­ed in many pan­els and lec­tures about con­tem­po­rary art and artists. She has also lec­tured at venues around the Unit­ed States, includ­ing The Whit­ney Muse­um of Amer­i­can Art; The Brook­lyn Rail; Lamar Dodd School of Art; Arta­dia; and Texas State Uni­ver­si­ty, San Mar­cos. She has been a jurist for var­i­ous art prizes and exhi­bi­tions across the US, includ­ing the David C. Driskell Prize; the Out­win Boochev­er Por­trait Com­pe­ti­tion; Lyn­don House Arts Cen­ter; the Yeck Young Painters Com­pe­ti­tion; and Art­Prize. Haynes has writ­ten on lead­ing con­tem­po­rary artists includ­ing Jor­dan Cas­teel; Leonar­do Drew; Tren­ton Doyle Han­cock; Jen­nifer Pack­er; and Nari Ward. Haynes is on the board of the Asso­ci­a­tion of Art Muse­um Cura­tors and the AAMC Foun­da­tion and serves as Vice Pres­i­dent of Fundrais­ing. Haynes is on the vis­it­ing com­mit­tee for the Allen Memo­r­i­al Art Muse­um at Ober­lin Col­lege where she earned her bachelor’s degree. Haynes was a 2018 Cen­ter for Cura­to­r­i­al Lead­er­ship fel­low and a recip­i­ent of a 2020 Art­Table New Lead­er­ship Award. 

Since open­ing to the pub­lic in 2005, Gov­er­nors Island has become a beloved cul­tur­al resource for New York City. In an effort to expand arts pro­gram­ming, the Trust hired its first Head Cura­tor and Vice Pres­i­dent for Arts and Cul­ture Mered­ith John­son in 2016. Since then, the pro­gram has grown expo­nen­tial­ly in its offer­ings for Island vis­i­tors, artists, oth­er cul­tur­al prac­ti­tion­ers — includ­ing tem­po­rary and long-term pub­lic art com­mis­sions by artists includ­ing Rachel Whiteread, Susan Philip­sz, David Brooks, Jacob Hashimo­to, Shantell Mar­tin, Duke Riley, Richard Move, Sam Van Aken, Mark Dion, and Charles Gaines; an annu­al Orga­ni­za­tion in Res­i­dence pro­gram in the Island’s his­toric hous­es; and free pub­lic pro­grams and events in part­ner­ship with a wide range of cul­tur­al organizations. 

Gov­er­nors Island Arts presents its pro­gram with the vision­ary sup­port of the Ford Foun­da­tion, as well the Mel­lon Foun­da­tion, the Cha­ri­na Endow­ment Fund, Don­ald R. Mullen Fam­i­ly Foun­da­tion, Stavros Niar­chos Foun­da­tion, Bloomberg Phil­an­thropies, The Gottes­man Fund, Don­ald A. Pels Char­i­ta­ble Trust, the Nation­al Endow­ment for the Arts, and the New York State Coun­cil on the Arts with the sup­port of the Office of the Gov­er­nor and the New York State Legislature.

Meet the Inau­gur­al Cli­mate Solu­tions Chal­lenge Winners


Clockwise from top left: Duro UAS's Nearshore Sonde, Just EcoCities' Tidal Planter, LAERO's Cycleau device, kelp farmed through Seaweed City's urban kelp farming infrastructure, RETI Center's Floating BlueBlocks Garden, and one of Object Territories Intertidal Objects.

The Trust for Gov­er­nors Island announced today the win­ners of the inau­gur­al Cli­mate Solu­tions Chal­lenge, pre­sent­ed through its Liv­ing Lab pro­gram. Through this ini­tia­tive, the Trust makes the Island avail­able as a site for local small busi­ness­es, entre­pre­neurs, and non­prof­its to test and demon­strate urban cli­mate solu­tions for cities and their diverse communities.

Dubbed the Water Abun­dance Chal­lenge,” this ini­tial call for pro­pos­als sought projects that uti­lize water to help pow­er cli­mate solu­tions that grow blue and green jobs and cre­ate health­i­er com­mu­ni­ties. Each of the six New York City-based inno­va­tors will receive a site to demon­strate their projects, grant awards of up to $25,000, and access to a com­mon pool of addi­tion­al funds to sup­port pilot imple­men­ta­tion. Their pilot sites will also pro­vide valu­able oppor­tu­ni­ties to engage with the Island’s rapid­ly grow­ing audi­ence of near­ly one mil­lion annu­al vis­i­tors through pub­lic demon­stra­tions, work­shops, train­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties, and oth­er initiatives.

Where some peo­ple see chal­lenges, New York­ers see oppor­tu­ni­ties, and Gov­er­nors Island’s Cli­mate Solu­tions Chal­lenge’ is the per­fect exam­ple of how New York­ers’ cre­ativ­i­ty and inge­nu­ity will con­tin­ue to shape our world,” said New York City May­or Eric Adams. By giv­ing these cli­mate solu­tions a chance to pilot, we will con­tin­ue to grow New York City’s green econ­o­my, address cli­mate change, and begin to cre­ate the good-pay­ing, acces­si­ble green-col­lar’ jobs of the future.”

Build­ing on the recent­ly announced Green Econ­o­my Action Plan and the cre­ation of the New York Cli­mate Exchange on Gov­er­nors Island, I am excit­ed by today’s announce­ment and the selec­tion of six orga­ni­za­tions to par­tic­i­pate in the inau­gur­al Cli­mate Solu­tions Chal­lenge,” said Deputy May­or for Hous­ing, Eco­nom­ic, and Work­force Devel­op­ment Maria Tor­res-Springer. New York City is and will con­tin­ue to be a leader in the green econ­o­my by enabling pilot pro­grams — like Gov­er­nors Island Liv­ing Lab — to test high-impact cli­mate tech, advanc­ing world-class research and devel­op­ment, and imple­ment­ing strate­gies that cre­ate both equi­ty and eco­nom­ic val­ue through green col­lar jobs.”

Gov­er­nors Island is the per­fect place to test and show­case cli­mate projects that will cre­ate a more sus­tain­able and equi­table city for all, and we are thrilled to be able to offer a total­ly unique envi­ron­ment to these six teams,” said Clare New­man, Pres­i­dent and CEO of the Trust for Gov­er­nors Island. The Water Abun­dance Chal­lenge win­ners rep­re­sent inno­v­a­tive water-based solu­tions being devel­oped by New York­ers, for New York­ers, and we can­not wait for them to share their work with Gov­er­nors Island’s engaged — and grow­ing — annu­al audi­ence of near­ly one mil­lion people.”

We are thrilled to sup­port these inno­va­tors and to shine a light on how cli­mate solu­tions move from con­cept to pro­to­typ­ing to a scal­able prod­uct,” said Lau­ren Wang, Direc­tor of Cli­mate Pro­grams at the Trust for Gov­er­nors Island. These founders and non­prof­it lead­ers are work­ing cre­ative­ly and thought­ful­ly every day to improve the city’s rela­tion­ship with water. We are look­ing for­ward to all New York­er join­ing us on the Island this sum­mer for demon­stra­tions and work­shops led by these teams.”

Gov­er­nors Island is more than a spe­cial place in New York City. Now, it’s becom­ing a sym­bol of our val­ues and an incu­ba­tor for cli­mate solu­tions aimed at solv­ing the globe’s most press­ing chal­lenge. At a time when the impacts of the cli­mate cri­sis grow more appar­ent, the inno­v­a­tive pilot projects that will soon launch on the Island will undoubt­ed­ly move New York – and the world – for­ward as we work to make our city the epi­cen­ter of action,” said Dr. Stephen Ham­mer, CEO of The New York Cli­mate Exchange. The Exchange could not be more proud to call Gov­er­nors Island home, great­ly val­ues our part­ner­ship, and looks for­ward to work­ing with part­ners across the five bor­oughs to address the cli­mate crisis.”

To address the cli­mate chal­lenges of the future, we must invest today in a diverse group of inno­va­tors work­ing on new projects and tech­nolo­gies that will pro­tect New York City’s ecosys­tem,” said Abby Jo Sigal, Exec­u­tive Direc­tor of the NYC Mayor’s Office of Tal­ent and Work­force Devel­op­ment. The six win­ners of the Cli­mate Solu­tions Chal­lenge are just the ones we need to safe­guard our water­ways and har­bors. They will also cre­ate well-pay­ing green col­lar jobs, which is key to mak­ing our City more resilient, not just envi­ron­men­tal­ly but also eco­nom­i­cal­ly, for all New Yorkers.”

This cohort of pilot projects includes:

  • Duro UAS – A South Bronx-based com­pa­ny with the goal of improv­ing how envi­ron­men­tal data is col­lect­ed and shared through advanced, afford­able, and easy-to-use water mon­i­tor­ing sys­tems and data ser­vices. On Gov­er­nors Island, they will pilot their Nearshore Sonde, a portable water mon­i­tor­ing device and cloud-based data dashboard.
  • Just EcoC­i­ties – A nature-based solu­tions con­sul­tan­cy work­ing to improve water qual­i­ty, expand habi­tat, and pro­mote engage­ment with New York City’s water­ways. On Gov­er­nors Island, they will part­ner with Bio­hab­i­tats, an eco­log­i­cal design firm whose mis­sion is to restore the Earth and inspire eco­log­i­cal stew­ard­ship, to pilot a Tidal Planter that cre­ates salt marsh while remov­ing pol­lu­tants from New York Harbor.
  • LÆRO – A small busi­ness found­ed in col­lab­o­ra­tion with experts across fields of water advo­ca­cy, man­u­fac­tur­ing, and electro­mechan­i­cal engi­neer­ing, work­ing to reduce the lev­els of untreat­ed waste­water that enter New York City’s water­ways. On Gov­er­nors Island, they will pilot Cycleau, their com­pact grey­wa­ter treat­ment sys­tem at water refill sta­tions and restrooms. 
  • Object Ter­ri­to­ries – A crit­i­cal design prac­tice based in New York and Hong Kong that works at the inter­sec­tion of archi­tec­ture, land­scape, and urban­ism. Their pilot on Gov­er­nors Island will test their Inter­tidal Objects, habi­tat-friend­ly coastal pro­tec­tion units designed in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Cen­ter for Archi­tec­ture, Sci­ence, and Ecol­o­gy (CASE) at Rens­se­laer Poly­tech­nic Insti­tute, Fort Miller Group and after NATURE.
  • RETI Cen­ter – A Red Hook-based non­prof­it that works to edu­cate, train, and work with local youth, experts, pro­fes­sion­als, and com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers to trans­form our coastal city from one that is dri­ven by fos­sil fuels to one bal­anc­ing equi­ty, ecol­o­gy, and econ­o­my. On Gov­er­nors Island, they will pilot their Float­ing Blue­Blocks Gar­dens, inte­grat­ed eco­log­i­cal sys­tems that can be installed in any body of water, in col­lab­o­ra­tion with thread collective.
  • Sea­weed City – A non­prof­it cit­i­zen sci­ence ini­tia­tive explor­ing the ben­e­fits of sea­weed aqua­cul­ture in New York City’s water­ways. On Gov­er­nors Island, they will pilot their urban kelp farm­ing infra­struc­ture. The project is fis­cal­ly spon­sored by New­town Creek Alliance.

Of the select­ed pilots, 100 per­cent are local­ly based, 50 per­cent are women-led, and 33 per­cent are minor­i­ty-led. Pilots will be installed on Gov­er­nors Island over the com­ing months for peri­ods span­ning six to 18 months, with an inau­gur­al pub­lic Demo Day to be held in ear­ly sum­mer 2024. They will join ongo­ing pilot­ing projects led by Vycarb, a Brook­lyn-based com­pa­ny work­ing to mea­sure and mit­i­gate car­bon diox­ide in New York Har­bor; Cir­cu­lar Econ­o­my Man­u­fac­tur­ing, a Brook­lyn-based com­pa­ny that trans­forms post-con­sumer plas­tics into upcy­cled prod­ucts through scal­able solar-pow­ered tech­nol­o­gy; and South Bronx Unite, a Bronx-based com­mu­ni­ty orga­ni­za­tion that is pilot­ing a street-lev­el air qual­i­ty mon­i­tor­ing net­work. For more infor­ma­tion on the pilots, vis­it www​.gov​is​land​.org/​l​i​v​i​n​g-lab.

The Cli­mate Solu­tions Pilot­ing Pro­gram is a key com­po­nent of Pilot:NYC, an ini­tia­tive announced by Gov­er­nor Kathy Hochul and May­or Eric Adams as part of the New” New York Plan that seeks to make New York City a hub for urban inno­va­tion. The Pilot­ing Pro­gram includes two com­po­nents: the themed annu­al Cli­mate Solu­tions Chal­lenge and a gen­er­al rolling call. Through the annu­al chal­lenge, a select­ed cohort of com­pa­nies receives pilot­ing project sites, grant awards, deploy­ment sup­port, and pub­lic engage­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties. The Trust also offers a year-round gen­er­al appli­ca­tion for self-fund­ed pilot­ing pro­pos­als across all dis­ci­plines. Non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tions, entre­pre­neurs, and start-ups are invit­ed to apply to the gen­er­al rolling call at any time at www​.gov​is​land​.org/​c​h​a​l​lenge.

The pilots announced today will com­ple­ment an exist­ing group of busi­ness­es and non­prof­it orga­ni­za­tions that are cur­rent­ly show­cas­ing inno­v­a­tive cli­mate solu­tions on Gov­er­nors Island, includ­ing Con Edi­son, GrowNYC, Earth Mat­ter NY, the Bee Con­ser­van­cy, Bil­lion Oys­ter Project, and others.

Duro is thrilled to part­ner with Gov­er­nors Island to launch the first IoT (Inter­net of Things) water mon­i­tor­ing net­work in New York Har­bor. This excit­ing ini­tia­tive, fea­tur­ing a pub­lic data

dash­board and work­shop series, will gen­er­ate unprece­dent­ed insight into the Har­bor ecosys­tem, strength­en the exist­ing body of research, sup­port the growth of key­stone species, and much more,” said Bri­an Wil­son and Gabriel Fore­man, CEO and Vice Pres­i­dent, respec­tive­ly, at Duro UAS.

Just Ecoc­i­ties is thrilled to part­ner with Bio­hab­i­tats to pilot a Tidal Planter cli­mate solu­tion on

Gov­er­nors Island. The Tidal Planter will improve water qual­i­ty and expand salt marsh habitat,

with a mod­u­lar design that can be adapt­ed for water­ways through­out the region. We look for­ward to engag­ing with youth and com­mu­ni­ty groups in mon­i­tor­ing and main­te­nance of the planter, build­ing local capac­i­ty and train­ing the cli­mate work­force of the future,” said Jamie Ong, Found­ing Prin­ci­pal of Just Ecocities.

We’re excit­ed to show the pos­si­bil­i­ties of diver­si­fy­ing grey­wa­ter treat­ment across New York City, and to pilot­ing a scal­able solu­tion capa­ble of restor­ing access to safe water­fronts in some of New York’s most under­served neigh­bor­hoods,” said Noe­mi Flo­rea, founder and direc­tor of LÆRO.

RETI Cen­ter is proud and excit­ed to launch our Float­ing Blue­Blocks Gar­dens at Gov­er­nors Island. We see the cre­ation of nat­ur­al habi­tats and sup­port of bio­di­ver­si­ty as a cru­cial ele­ment in cli­mate adap­ta­tion. All vis­i­tors to the Island, no mat­ter their age or expe­ri­ence lev­el, are wel­come to come help us build and launch our gar­dens this sum­mer,” said Tim Gilman-Sev­cik, Exec­u­tive Direc­tor of RETI Center.

Deutsche Bank Amer­i­c­as Foun­da­tion is a proud sup­port­er of the Gov­er­nors Island Liv­ing Lab and con­grat­u­lates the win­ners of the inau­gur­al Cli­mate Solu­tions Chal­lenge. We are excit­ed by the pos­si­bil­i­ties of these pilot projects and the pos­i­tive impact they can bring to New York City’s vul­ner­a­ble com­mu­ni­ties and beyond,” said Lisa Tal­ma, Vice Pres­i­dent of Phil­an­thropic Ini­tia­tives in the Com­mu­ni­ty Devel­op­ment Finance Group at Deutsche Bank.

As a strong part­ner in ush­er­ing our state’s clean ener­gy tran­si­tion, we’re proud to sup­port The Trust for Gov­er­nors Island’s unique Cli­mate Solu­tions Chal­lenge ini­tia­tive that places New York City at the fore­front of cut­ting-edge research tack­ling the great­est chal­lenges posed by cli­mate change,” said Tim Caw­ley, Chair­man and CEO of Con Edi­son. These inno­v­a­tive projects will pave the way for a more sus­tain­able future for our city while boost­ing green jobs, eco­nom­ic growth, and health­i­er communities.”

As we con­tin­ue to work to close the racial wealth gap and address oth­er dis­par­i­ties that affect New York’s under­served neigh­bor­hoods, we must not ignore the role cli­mate issues can play in exac­er­bat­ing these inequal­i­ties through the ways they dis­pro­por­tion­ate­ly harm com­mu­ni­ties of col­or,” said Valerie White, Senior Exec­u­tive Direc­tor of LISC NY. Pro­grams like the Cli­mate Solu­tions Chal­lenge on Gov­er­nors Island not only encour­age inno­va­tion that can pro­vide tan­gi­ble com­mu­ni­ty-cen­tric cli­mate ini­tia­tives but also offer diverse­ly owned start-ups access to key resources that will enable suc­cess. We look for­ward to see­ing the water-based solu­tions this cohort cre­ates and the ways their work will ulti­mate­ly ben­e­fit New Yorkers.”

The New York Com­mu­ni­ty Trust is proud to sup­port Gov­er­nors Island’s evo­lu­tion into a hub for prac­ti­cal, inno­v­a­tive solu­tions to the chal­lenges pre­sent­ed by accel­er­at­ing cli­mate change. From improv­ing data col­lec­tion to exper­i­ment­ing with sea­weed aqua­cul­ture in New York City’s water­ways, the vari­ety and inge­nu­ity of these projects gives me hope,” said Arturo Gar­cia-Costas, Senior Pro­gram Offi­cer, Local, Nation­al and Inter­na­tion­al Envi­ron­ment, The New York Com­mu­ni­ty Trust.

At Ama­zon, we’re active­ly work­ing to reduce emis­sions to reach net zero car­bon by 2040, and are excit­ed to con­tin­ue our part­ner­ship with Gov­er­nors Island to show­case what sus­tain­able and resilient cities can look like. The emerg­ing busi­ness­es announced today are demon­strat­ing inno­v­a­tive approach­es to tack­ling the glob­al cli­mate cri­sis that are poised to scale, and we’re proud to sup­port their work as part of the Cli­mate Solu­tions chal­lenge,” said Car­ley Gra­ham Gar­cia, Head of Com­mu­ni­ty Affairs and Pub­lic Pol­i­cy, Ama­zon New York.

Today’s announce­ment marks an excit­ing step for­ward in Gov­er­nors Island’s growth as a resource for cli­mate demon­stra­tion and inno­va­tion. Announced in June 2023, the Liv­ing Lab is a new pro­gram led by the Trust that pro­vides a plat­form for part­ner­ships and pro­grams to ampli­fy cli­mate action. In addi­tion to the Cli­mate Solu­tions Pilot­ing Pro­gram, the Liv­ing Lab includes a cli­mate field trip pro­gram launch­ing this spring and a com­mu­ni­ty con­ven­ing space for cli­mate on the Island. The Liv­ing Lab is made pos­si­ble with the gen­er­ous sup­port of Ama­zon, Con Edi­son, Deutsche Bank, Don­ald A. Pels Char­i­ta­ble Trust, LISC, and the New York Com­mu­ni­ty Trust.

The New York Cli­mate Exchange, a research and edu­ca­tion­al insti­tu­tion led by Stony Brook Uni­ver­si­ty and a cross-sec­tor con­sor­tium of uni­ver­si­ties, busi­ness­es, and non­prof­it orga­ni­za­tions, was announced as the anchor part­ner for the Cen­ter for Cli­mate Solu­tions by May­or Eric Adams and the Trust for Gov­er­nors Island in April 2023. The Exchange will cre­ate a state-of-the-art, $700-mil­lion, 400,000-square-foot cam­pus on Gov­er­nors Island ded­i­cat­ed to research­ing and devel­op­ing inno­v­a­tive cli­mate solu­tions that will be scaled across New York City and the world and that will equip New York­ers to hold the green jobs of the future. The Exchange will also cre­ate thou­sands of per­ma­nent green jobs and gen­er­ate $1 bil­lion in fis­cal impact for New York City.

Gov­er­nors Island Announces Spring 2024 Events


Photo by Sean Jamar

The Trust for Gov­er­nors Island and the Friends of Gov­er­nors Island today announced the return of two icon­ic spring events to Gov­er­nors Island: the annu­al Egg Hunt and Earth Day cel­e­bra­tions. The Egg Hunt will fea­ture 50,000 eggs hid­den around Gov­er­nors Island and take place on Sat­ur­day, March 30, 2024, from 10am to 3pm. The Earth Day Cel­e­bra­tion, high­light­ing the impor­tance of native plants with stew­ard­ship activ­i­ties, arts, and edu­ca­tion, will take place on Sat­ur­day, April 20, 2024, from 10am to 3pm. 

We’re look­ing for­ward to cel­e­brat­ing spring on Gov­er­nors Island with the return of these two fan-favorite events,” said Clare New­man, Pres­i­dent and CEO of the Trust for Gov­er­nors Island. Egg Hunt and Earth Day both pro­vide vis­i­tors with incred­i­ble oppor­tu­ni­ties to explore our 120 acres of open space and come togeth­er to cel­e­brate the return of warm weath­er. Whether you’re com­ing out to hunt for eggs or help us cre­ate native plant habi­tats, we can’t wait to see you on the Island this spring.” 

The Friends of Gov­er­nors Island is excit­ed to wel­come vis­i­tors to the Island this sea­son for two spec­tac­u­lar spring pro­grams: our 2nd annu­al Egg Hunt on March 30 and our Earth Day cel­e­bra­tion on April 20,” said Pat­ti Davis, Exec­u­tive Direc­tor of the Friends of Gov­er­nors Island. These free, fam­i­ly-friend­ly pub­lic events high­light all that is spe­cial and unique about Gov­er­nors Island with fun-filled activ­i­ties, tours, and oppor­tu­ni­ties to give back.”

Gov­er­nors Island Egg Hunt

Back for a sec­ond year, this pop­u­lar spring­time event will see 50,000 can­dy-filled eggs spread across sev­er­al areas of Gov­er­nors Island, along with an Island-wide scav­enger hunt that every­one can take a crack at and an addi­tion­al hunt for chil­dren ages 5 and under. The cel­e­bra­tion will take place on Sat­ur­day, March 30, 2024, from 11am to 3pm in Colonels Row and will also include per­for­mances from Bub­bledad and Won­der­Spark Pup­pets, spring-themed arts and crafts with Red Hook Art Project, Meet the Chick­ens” with Earth Mat­ter NY, and more to be announced. Food will be avail­able for pur­chase onsite from Gov­er­nors Island ven­dors Mak­i­na Café and Lit­tle Eva’s, along­side food trucks includ­ing ANAO’s Caribbean Fla­vors, Yan­kee Doo­dles, Par­adise Taquil­la, and Deploy Cof­fee. Vis­i­tors will also be able to meet and take pic­tures with a Spring Bunny. 

The egg hunt is first come, first served as sup­plies last, and will take place con­tin­u­ous­ly through­out the day. No pre-reg­is­tra­tion is required, and the event is rain or shine. The Gov­er­nors Island Egg Hunt is co-pre­sent­ed by the Trust for Gov­er­nors Island and the Friends of Gov­er­nors Island, with gen­er­ous sup­port from Tony’s Cho­colone­ly. Addi­tion­al sup­port pro­vid­ed by New York Cares. 

Earth Day on Gov­er­nors Island

Gov­er­nors Island’s third annu­al Earth Day cel­e­bra­tion will cel­e­brate the pow­er of native plants through free edu­ca­tion­al activ­i­ties and work­shops for all ages, guid­ed tours through the Island’s open space, a par­tic­i­pa­to­ry mur­al inspired by the rela­tion­ship between milk­weed and Monarch but­ter­flies, and vol­un­teer stew­ard­ship projects. The fes­tiv­i­ties will take place on Sat­ur­day, April 20, 2024, from 10am to 3pm, and will also include cyan­otype print­ing activ­i­ties, seed ball work­shops, free bike lessons with Bike New York, and more.

Earth Day on Gov­er­nors Island is co-pre­sent­ed by the Trust for Gov­er­nors Island and the Friends of Gov­er­nors Island, with pro­gram­ming sup­port from Stu­dent Con­ser­va­tion Asso­ci­a­tion, Cir­cu­lar Econ­o­my Man­u­fac­tur­ing, Wind Sup­port, Bike New York, Earth Mat­ter NY, the Nation­al Park Ser­vice, and Bee Con­ser­van­cy. Earth Day is spon­sored by AECOM, Dai­wa Cap­i­tal Mar­kets Amer­i­ca Inc., and Lazard. Gen­er­ous sup­port for Gov­er­nors Island’s green spaces is pro­vid­ed by Bloomberg Phil­an­thropies and Black­stone Char­i­ta­ble Fund.

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