! Alert

NYC Ferry is operating on a a modified schedule from October 20 to October 23, 2024, to accommodate ridership patterns during Sukkot. Click here for more information.

NYC Ferry is operating on a a modified schedule from October 20 to October 23, 2024, to accommodate ridership patterns during Sukkot. Click here for more information.


Make a Donation

Your dona­tion goes direct­ly toward car­ing for the Island’s green space and helps main­tain a joy­ful escape for all New York­ers at a time when they need it the most. Dona­tions to the Friends of Gov­er­nors Island help this oasis bring joy to our city, now and in the future. Make a dona­tion today!

Join Us

Gov­er­nors Island needs sup­port from mem­bers to help care for the Island and make it a wel­com­ing place for every­one. Plus, mem­bers get great perks like free fer­ry rides, dis­counts at favorite Island eater­ies and activ­i­ties, invi­ta­tions to exclu­sive events and more! Join with a Friends of Gov­er­nors Island mem­ber­ship today!

Con­nect with us

Fol­low Gov­er­nors Island on Twit­ter, Insta­gram, and Face­book. You can even fol­low the adven­tures of the Island’s work­ing dogs on Instagram.


Gov­er­nors Island relies on vol­un­teers to help keep this incred­i­ble pub­lic space wel­com­ing and beau­ti­ful for all. Whether it’s help­ing main­tain land­scapes or wel­com­ing vis­i­tors, there are many ways to lend a hand.

Bring your Com­pa­ny to the Island

The Friends of Gov­er­nors Island wel­come cor­po­rate part­ners to plan fun and reju­ve­nat­ing events on the Island, take part in impact­ful team-build­ing vol­un­teer activ­i­ties, and spon­sor the Island’s pop­u­lar events and programs.

Announcing the Governors Island Foundation

We are thrilled to share an exciting update: effective November 1, 2024, the Friends of Governors Island will become the Governors Island Foundation. Click here to read the full announcement.