
Gov­er­nors Island relies on vol­un­teers to keep this incred­i­ble pub­lic space wel­com­ing and beau­ti­ful for all. The Friends of Gov­er­nors Island offers vol­un­teer oppor­tu­ni­ties for every­one, whether you’re look­ing to learn a new skill, meet peo­ple from across the city, or become a true Island insid­er. We accept appli­ca­tions January-May.

Explore oppor­tu­ni­ties to make an impact on Gov­er­nors Island below. 

Individual Volunteer Program

Make a commitment to Governors Island

Governors Gardener

Care for the Island’s landscapes. Learn more and apply.

Island Ambassador

Greet visitors to Governors Island. Learn more and apply.

Tour Guide

Lead educational historical walking tours. Learn more and apply.

Art Docent

Support Governors Island Arts. Learn more and apply.

Sheep Steward

Work with the Island’s landscaping sheep. Learn more and apply.

Single-Day Volunteer Opportunities

Join us for a drop-in volunteer project

Individual Volunteer Days

Join one of our drop-in Monthly Service Day projects. Learn more here.

Group Volunteer Days

Bring your team to Governors Island for a high-impact volunteer project. Learn more here.