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Governors Island Ferry Service will resume operations between the Battery Maritime Building and Soissons Landing beginning at 12pm on Monday, October 14. Click here for tickets, schedules, and more information.

Governors Island Ferry Service will resume operations between the Battery Maritime Building and Soissons Landing beginning at 12pm on Monday, October 14. Click here for tickets, schedules, and more information.

Build­ing Gov­er­nors Island: Build­ing 9, the first Post Hospital

Over 50 beau­ti­ful, his­toric build­ings per­me­ate the 92-acre His­toric Dis­trict that cov­ers Gov­er­nors Island’s north­ern half. In the Build­ing Gov­er­nors Island series, we’ll exam­ine some of these notable struc­tures, their indi­vid­ual his­to­ries and the roles they’ve played in the Island’s his­to­ry as a whole, begin­ning with Nolan Park’s Build­ing 9

A few his­toric build­ings stand out from the yel­low wood­en hous­es that dom­i­nate Nolan Park. Some grab more atten­tion than oth­ers; it’s hard not to notice the can­non-flanked entrance to the Admiral’s House. Build­ing 9, a cube of brick and stone sand­wiched between two of the icon­ic hous­es, attracts few­er glances. While not always the cen­ter of atten­tion, Build­ing 9 embod­ies the last two cen­turies of Gov­er­nors Island’s his­to­ry bet­ter than most oth­er build­ings on the Island today. 

An 1859 map of GI show­ing Build­ing 9 pre­dat­ing Nolan Park. Image cour­tesy of Ann Buttenwieser

Built in 1839 to serve as Gov­er­nors Island’s mil­i­tary Post Hos­pi­tal, Build­ing 9 has seen a vari­ety of uses and names through its 180-year his­to­ry. It helped define the area of Nolan Park long before the yel­low hous­es appeared and today stands as one of the old­est struc­tures on the Island. Even while serv­ing its orig­i­nal pur­pose of hos­pi­tal and med­ical train­ing cen­ter, Build­ing 9 housed offi­cers and pris­on­ers as well, being referred to as the Block House for that pur­pose. Notably, a young Lieu­tenant Ulysses S. Grant stayed in the Block House in 1852 while his unit was briefly sta­tioned on the Island. 

Ele­va­tion of Build­ing 9 with Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal wing

As the Island’s Post Hos­pi­tal, the facil­i­ty was often stretched to its lim­its. An influx of wound­ed Union sol­diers and thou­sands of Con­fed­er­ate pris­on­ers dur­ing the Civ­il War rein­forced the need for a more robust hos­pi­tal on GI. In 1862, a large wood­en struc­ture was added to the build­ing, near­ly dou­bling the hospital’s capac­i­ty. This expan­sion, which no longer exists today, ele­vat­ed the facil­i­ty to the rank of Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal, des­ig­nat­ing Gov­er­nors Island as a des­ti­na­tion for treat­ment and recovery. 

Build­ing 9’s wood­en hos­pi­tal wing addi­tion in 1864. Image cour­tesy of Ann Buttenwieser

The Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal wing came and went, and even­tu­al­ly a new struc­ture was built to serve as Post Hos­pi­tal for the Island. In 1874, the Army con­vert­ed Build­ing 9 to fill oth­er roles includ­ing kitchen and mess hall, court cham­bers, chapel and even ball­room. Now, Build­ing 9 serves as hous­ing for Gov­er­nors Island fer­ry crews who stay there when the Samuel Coursen (Gov­er­nors Island’s main fer­ry, in ser­vice since 1956) docks on the Island overnight.

Pho­to by Eri­ka Clark

The his­to­ry of Build­ing 9 echoes the his­to­ry of the Island itself in some ways. It has served many pur­pos­es, gone by dif­fer­ent names, and housed an impres­sive vari­ety of occu­pants. While not the grand­est build­ing in Nolan Park, its hum­ble exte­ri­or belies its rich his­to­ry as one of the most sto­ried struc­tures on Gov­er­nors Island.