Gov­er­nors Island Arts and Film at Lin­coln Cen­ter Announce Free Out­door Film Series for 2022 Season


Photo by Timothy Schenck

Gov­er­nors Island Arts and Film at Lin­coln Cen­ter announced today the return of free out­door film screen­ings on the Island for sum­mer 2022 fea­tur­ing John Cameron Mitchell’s Hed­wig and the Angry Inch on Fri­day, June 3 and Sid­ney Lumet’s The Wiz on Fri­day, August 5. This summer’s screen­ings are curat­ed by Film at Lin­coln Cen­ter and pro­duced by Rooftop Films and will take place on the Island’s his­toric Parade Ground — an expan­sive eight-acre lawn with wide-open views of Low­er Manhattan. 

Out­door films on the Parade Ground have become an icon­ic sum­mer tra­di­tion, and we can­not wait to wel­come film buffs and all New York­ers to Gov­er­nors Island for the fourth year of this land­mark series,” said Clare New­man, Pres­i­dent and CEO of the Trust for Gov­er­nors Island. Ensur­ing access to acces­si­ble, afford­able, and trans­for­ma­tive arts and cul­tur­al expe­ri­ences is a core ten­ant of Gov­er­nors Island Arts, and we are so excit­ed to part­ner with Film at Lin­coln Cen­ter once again for two evenings of free movie mag­ic with our amaz­ing city as backdrop.”

There’s no bet­ter spot than Gov­er­nors Island to catch a free movie under the stars, and this year’s selec­tion pro­vides audi­ences with an incred­i­ble range of engag­ing cin­e­mat­ic expe­ri­ences. We are thrilled to be launch­ing our fourth sea­son of this incred­i­ble part­ner­ship with Film at Lin­coln Cen­ter, pro­vid­ing even more New York­ers with the oppor­tu­ni­ty to gath­er togeth­er and enjoy film on Gov­er­nors Island,” said Mered­ith John­son, VP of Arts and Cul­ture at the Trust for Gov­er­nors Island.

Free out­door screen­ings in the sum­mer are a treat for New York audi­ences. Film at Lin­coln Cen­ter looks for­ward to cel­e­brat­ing icon­ic films on Gov­er­nors Island, a spec­tac­u­lar loca­tion to gath­er,” said Lesli Klain­berg, Pres­i­dent, Film at Lin­coln Cen­ter. With our friends at NewFest we are pleased to show­case the cult clas­sic Hed­wig and the Angry Inch and, togeth­er with our col­leagues at Dance Films Asso­ci­a­tion and the New York Inter­na­tion­al Chil­dren’s Film Fes­ti­val, we invite fam­i­lies and fans to expe­ri­ence the musi­cal adven­ture that is The Wiz.”

Both screen­ings are free and open to the pub­lic with pre-show enter­tain­ment kick­ing off at 7pm and films begin­ning at dusk. Food and drinks will be avail­able for pur­chase, includ­ing a beer gar­den by Threes Brew­ing along with food from Piz­za Yard and addi­tion­al Gov­er­nors Island ven­dors to be announced. 

Evening fer­ry ser­vice will run from Bat­tery Mar­itime Build­ing in Low­er Man­hat­tan, locat­ed at 10 South Street, depart­ing Low­er Man­hat­tan at 5:15, 5:45, 6:15, and 6:45pm. Fer­ries will return to Low­er Man­hat­tan from Sois­sons Land­ing at 9, 9:30, 10, 10:30, and 11pm. 

Vis­i­tors are encour­aged to reserve fer­ry tick­ets at www​.gov​is​land​.org/​ferry in advance of their trip, and face cov­er­ings con­tin­ue to be required on Trust-oper­at­ed fer­ries. Round-trip fer­ry tick­ets cost $4 for adults. Gov­er­nors Island fer­ries are always free for chil­dren 12 and under, seniors 65 and up, res­i­dents of NYCHA, IDNYC hold­ers, cur­rent and for­mer mil­i­tary ser­vice­mem­bers, and Gov­er­nors Island mem­bers. Fer­ries before noon on Sat­ur­days and Sun­days are free for all. There is no sur­charge for bicy­cles or strollers at any time. 

Gov­er­nors Island is open to the pub­lic dai­ly year-round, Sun­day through Thurs­day from 7am to 6pm and Fri­day and Sat­ur­day from 7am to 7pm. Begin­ning Memo­r­i­al Day Week­end, the Island will remain open until 10pm on Fri­days and Sat­ur­days through Labor Day. 

Fri­day, June 3

Hed­wig and the Angry Inch (2001), direct­ed by John Cameron Mitchell, invites you to rock out! After falling in love with a U.S. Army sergeant, an East Berlin boy named Hansel under­goes a sex-change oper­a­tion so that he can legal­ly mar­ry his beloved. But the oper­a­tion is botched, leav­ing the boy less than a man, but not quite a woman. Desert­ed in a Kansas trail­er park, the boy/​girl, now named Hed­wig, rein­vents himself/​herself as a rock star. Based on the hit off-Broad­way musi­cal. Pre­sent­ed in asso­ci­a­tion with NewFest.

Fri­day, August 5

The Wiz (1978), direct­ed by Sid­ney Lumet, invites you to ease on down the yel­low-brick road! Relive all of the mag­ic of this beloved musi­cal when Dorothy is whisked away to the enchant­i­ng won­der­land of Oz, where she encoun­ters the Scare­crow, the Tin­man and the Lion. The Wiz fea­tures spec­tac­u­lar musi­cal num­bers from leg­endary pro­duc­er Quin­cy Jones and an all-star cast includ­ing Diana Ross, Michael Jack­son, Lena Horne, Richard Pry­or, Nipsey Rus­sell, and Ted Ross. Pre­sent­ed in asso­ci­a­tion with Dance Films Asso­ci­a­tion and New York Inter­na­tion­al Chil­dren’s Film Festival.