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Power has been restored after an unexpected outage on Friday, July 26. Governors Island is open as usual, with ferries running from Manhattan and Brooklyn all weekend. Click here for more information.

Power has been restored after an unexpected outage on Friday, July 26. Governors Island is open as usual, with ferries running from Manhattan and Brooklyn all weekend. Click here for more information.

Gov­er­nors Island Arts and Times Square Arts Announce Final­ists for Third Annu­al Ice Sculp­ture Show

Today, Gov­er­nors Island Arts and Times Square Arts announce select­ed final­ists and jury mem­bers for Gov­er­nors Island’s third annu­al Ice Sculp­ture Show, set to take place on Sat­ur­day, Feb­ru­ary 3, 2024, from 12 to 5p.m. This unique annu­al event pro­vides New York­ers and vis­i­tors from around the world with the sin­gu­lar oppor­tu­ni­ty to expe­ri­ence live ice carv­ing along­side the open space, and cul­tur­al, edu­ca­tion­al, and his­toric resources and attrac­tions that Gov­er­nors Island offers year-round. The fes­tive win­ter event will coin­cide with the Times Square Arts’ annu­al Love in Times Square cel­e­bra­tion on Feb­ru­ary 14, 2024, which cel­e­brates Valentine’s Day with wed­dings, sur­prise pro­pos­als and vow renewals.

The Gov­er­nors Island Ice Sculp­ture Show is pre­sent­ed by Gov­er­nors Island Arts and Times Square Arts, with lead sup­port from the Friends of Gov­er­nors Island. Gen­er­ous sup­port for the event is pro­vid­ed by New York Water Taxi.

This year’s esteemed jury pan­el that will select the win­ners includes cre­ative agent at large and cast mem­ber of Bravo’s The Real House­wives of New York City Jen­na Lyons, writer and edi­tor Miya Lee, Chair of the New York City Coun­cil Com­mit­tee on Cul­tur­al Affairs, Libraries, and Inter­na­tion­al Inter­group Rela­tions Coun­cil Mem­ber Chi Ossé, and Hol­lis Kam, Senior Vice Pres­i­dent of Peo­ple and Cul­ture at Times Square Alliance and decade-long ordained wed­ding offi­ciant for Love in Times Square.

2024 Ice Sculp­ture Show Finalists:

  • Art Doman­tay and Rober­to Flo­res (@domantayart) — Doman­tay is known for his fab­ri­ca­tion work on ambi­tious pub­lic art projects. . In his col­lab­o­ra­tion with Flo­res, they pro­pose a mul­ti-dimen­sion­al, kinet­ic heart sculp­ture acti­vat­ed by human touch.
  • Aziki­we Mohammed (@misterace12) — As a native New York­er, Mohammed plans to depict the noto­ri­ous King Kong, pay­ing homage to the ape’s tale as an immi­grant and his com­pli­cat­ed yet leg­endary love sto­ry with New York City.
  • Kate­ri­na Sokolovskaya (@katerina.sokolovskaya.art)— For her ethe­re­al con­cept, hands and legs emerge from a cloud as two hid­den peo­ple embrace with­in it. Sokolovskaya aims to take an abstract and escapist approach to the theme of love.
  • Lloyd Fos­ter (@_lloydfoster) — Fos­ter fre­quent­ly fea­tures angels in his work, and plans to use this motif as a sym­bol of love for his art piece. Hearts will replace the angel’s wings for his Love Angels” sculpture.
  • Zeel­ie Brown (@zeel­iebrownlovesy­ou) — Brown pos­es a sculp­ture that reflects her focus on Black love, soul, and New York City’s nat­ur­al and archi­tec­tur­al land­scapes. The piece aims to instill passers­by with a sense of free­dom, love, and con­nec­tion to nature and place.
  • Lovie Pig­na­ta (@iLovieNY) — For her piece titled Smit­ten,” Pig­na­ta depicts two cozy mit­tens with knit details touch­ing to form a heart, ref­er­enc­ing the begin­ning stages of love in the win­try months.
  • Josef Pin­lac (@Istillheartnewyork)— Two hands con­join to form a heart for Pinlac’s work — a now viral world­wide sym­bol stem­ming from Japan — in which vis­i­tors have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to step inside the frame for a spe­cial moment of love. Pin­lac is a mem­ber of Con Artist Col­lec­tive in the Low­er East Side.
  • Paras­too Aho­van (@parastooahovan) — Ahovan’s design rep­re­sents a tree in an abstract form to sug­gest the inter­con­nect­ed­ness of life and love. Each branch and leaf is sym­bol­ic of growth and life’s mean­der­ing jour­ney, while the roots delve into the rich soil of tra­di­tion and resilience.
  • Aki­ra Yoshimu­ra (@akirayoshimura_) — Yoshimu­ra demon­strates his love for New York City where he met his wife and friends with an ode in the shape of the King and Queen of hearts — the Queen’s card depict­ing the Stat­ue of Lib­er­ty and the King’s card don­ning a quin­tes­sen­tial NYC street vend­ing cart.
  • Sal­ly Twin (@thesallybeauty) — Twin’s Game of Love” is a dynam­ic take on love and the game of shuf­fle­board, allow­ing vis­i­tors to phys­i­cal­ly inter­act with the sculpture’s playable pieces for an immer­sive experience.

For the third win­ter sea­son in a row we have been able to offer New York­ers and vis­i­tors a unique oppor­tu­ni­ty to wit­ness live ice carv­ing and to expe­ri­ence inter­ac­tive pub­lic art right here on the Island,” said Clare New­man, Pres­i­dent and CEO of the Trust for Gov­er­nors Island. The Ice Sculp­ture Show is a unique exam­ple of all the fun win­ter activ­i­ties that vis­i­tors can enjoy dur­ing the cold­er sea­son. We wel­come vis­i­tors of all ages to enjoy music and warm drinks, while expe­ri­enc­ing the thrill of carv­ing ice live with a chainsaw.”

Gov­er­nors Island has become home to a pletho­ra of unique and engag­ing pub­lic arts pro­gram­ming, allow­ing vis­i­tors to expe­ri­ence and dis­cov­er the cre­ative vision­ar­ies from all over the world that inno­vate and design on the Island,” said Juan Pablo Siles, Asso­ciate Cura­tor of Arts & Cul­ture for the Trust. We can­not wait to see what this incred­i­ble group of select­ed artists cre­ates and look for­ward to wel­com­ing vis­i­tors to vote on their favorite ice carved works while get­ting to expe­ri­ence a one-of-a-kind arts expe­ri­ence on the Island.”

We can’t wait to see the win­ning design melt hearts in Times Square and become the spark­ly and ephemer­al anchor for our super­sized cel­e­bra­tion of love on Valentine’s Day,” said Jean Cooney, VP of Arts & Cul­ture for the Times Square Alliance.

Ten final­ist artists were cho­sen and each final­ist was award­ed $2,000 and paired with a pro­fes­sion­al ice carv­er from Okamo­to Stu­dio, where sculp­tures will be carved in a free pub­lic event on Gov­er­nors Island on Sat­ur­day, Feb­ru­ary 3, 2024, from 12 to 5 p.m. Vis­i­tors are invit­ed to wit­ness this real-time ice carv­ing from 12 to 2 p.m., vote on their favorite sculp­ture for the People’s Choice Award: from 2 to 2:30 p.m., and enjoy an awards cer­e­mo­ny and recep­tion from 2:30 to 5 p.m. This year’s Ice Sculp­ture show will take place in his­toric Colonels Row and will also fea­ture the district’s lawn games, fire pits, and art exhi­bi­tions, along with food and drink year-round Gov­er­nors Island ven­dor Mak­i­na Café and select addi­tion­al food trucks.

A larg­er-scale ver­sion of the win­ning sculp­ture will then be carved and installed by Okamo­to Stu­dio in Times Square as a visu­al anchor for the district’s annu­al Valentine’s Day events, where New York­ers and vis­i­tors alike will cel­e­brate love through sur­prise pro­pos­als, wed­dings, and a vow renew­al cer­e­mo­ny on the Square’s icon­ic Red Steps. Sub­mis­sion links to be a part of the fes­tiv­i­ties are below:

Dur­ing the win­ter months, Gov­er­nors Island is open to the pub­lic dai­ly from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Trust for Gov­er­nors Island-oper­at­ed fer­ries run dai­ly between the Bat­tery Mar­itime Build­ing at 10 South Street in Low­er Man­hat­tan and Sois­sons Land­ing on the Island. For sched­ules and tick­et­ing infor­ma­tion, vis­it www​.gov​is​land​.org. For the event on Feb­ru­ary 3, spe­cial one-day ser­vice will be pro­vid­ed from Red Hook/​Atlantic Basin and Pier 6/​Brooklyn Bridge Park to Gov­er­nors Island, with tick­ets and sched­ules to be avail­able on Gov­er­nors Island’s web­site in the days lead­ing up to the event.

Round-trip fer­ry tick­ets cost $4 for adults. Gov­er­nors Island fer­ries are always free for chil­dren 12 and under, old­er adults ages 65 and up, res­i­dents of NYCHA, IDNYC hold­ers, cur­rent and for­mer mil­i­tary ser­vice mem­bers, and Gov­er­nors Island mem­bers. Fer­ries before noon on Sat­ur­days and Sun­days are free for all. There is no sur­charge for bicy­cles or strollers at any time.

NYC Fer­ry is tem­porar­i­ly bypass­ing Gov­er­nors Island for sev­er­al weeks due to planned main­te­nance. NYC Fer­ry rid­ers trav­el­ing to Gov­er­nors Island from Brook­lyn can take the fer­ry to Wall Street/​Pier 11 and trans­fer to Trust-oper­at­ed fer­ries at 10 South Street.

Gov­er­nors Island’s award-win­ning park is open to the pub­lic every day, along with recre­ation activ­i­ties like bike rentals, a Com­mu­ni­ty Climb­ing Boul­der, Ham­mock Grove, The Hills, Pic­nic Point, and more. Gov­er­nors Island Arts pub­lic art com­mis­sions, includ­ing work from Duke Riley, Sam Van Aken, Rachel Whiteread, Mark Dion, Sheila Berg­er, and Mark Hand­forth are also cur­rent­ly on view through­out the Island.

This win­ter also marks the return of Win­ter Dog Days, where dogs are allowed on Gov­er­nors Island dai­ly from Decem­ber 1 through the end of April. Dogs must be leashed while on Gov­er­nors Island except for in the Win­ter Dog Park, locat­ed in Colonels Row.