Spring is here, join us as a volunteer!

Look­ing to get out­side and give back to your favorite NYC des­ti­na­tion? Vol­un­teer with the Friends of Gov­er­nors Island!

Ded­i­cat­ed vol­un­teers help keep Gov­er­nors Island wel­com­ing and more beau­ti­ful for all. Whether you’re hop­ing to try your hand at gar­den­ing, meet new peo­ple or share the Island’s sto­ry with vis­i­tors, our vol­un­teer pro­gram has some­thing for everyone. 

Apply today to join the Gov­er­nors Island vol­un­teer team! There are many ways to get involved as a volunteer:

Vis­i­tor Sur­vey­or
Col­lect valu­able vis­i­tor feed­back and data to help us gain fur­ther insight about the vis­i­tor expe­ri­ence on Gov­er­nors Island. 

Island Ambas­sador
Wel­come vis­i­tors to the Island by answer­ing ques­tions, pro­vid­ing direc­tions, shar­ing the dai­ly line-up of pub­lic events and pro­grams, and sell­ing essen­tials and souvenirs. 

Gov­er­nors Gar­den­er
Get your hands dirty tend­ing to the Island’s sprawl­ing mead­ows, young for­est groves, beau­ti­ful flowerbeds and land­scaped hillsides. 

We love our vol­un­teers! Join our ranks and get some great perks:

  • Free fer­ry to Gov­er­nors Island
  • Gov­er­nors Island vol­un­teer t‑shirt
  • Dis­count on mer­chan­dise from the Wel­come Centers
  • Excit­ing field trips to oth­er parks, muse­ums and exhi­bi­tions around the city

Join us!