Mes­sage from a Gov­er­nors Island gar­den­er: Sup­port the Crit­i­cal Care for the Park Fund


Hel­lo! Ele­na here, from the Gov­er­nors Island gar­den­ing team. I have a favor to ask.

Spring is my favorite sea­son on the Island. This spring feels even more excit­ing and full of firsts: Now that Gov­er­nors Island is open year-round, it’s the first time vis­i­tors like you can expe­ri­ence spring here from start to fin­ish. It also marks the start of many bold projects we’re tak­ing on to make this spe­cial place even more beau­ti­ful and wel­com­ing for vis­i­tors, native plants, and pol­li­na­tors alike! The gar­den­ing team can’t do it alone though. Will you pitch in?

Your gift to the Crit­i­cal Care for the Park Fund will help us make progress on impact­ful projects all over the Island:

  • You’ll help my team estab­lish a new 1.7- acre mead­ow of native flow­ers and grass­es, cre­at­ing a haven for bees, but­ter­flies and oth­er pollinators.
  • You’ll strength­en our Island-wide tree-care and repop­u­la­tion plan: from car­ing for the young trees on the Play Lawns and Ham­mock Grove so they can grow and con­tin­ue to pro­vide shade, to plant­i­ng more spring bloom­ing and large canopy trees that will pro­vide wildlife habi­tat and beau­ty on the Island for decades.
  • You’ll sup­port us in estab­lish­ing a wood­land under­sto­ry in Ham­mock Grove, help­ing tran­si­tion the area from a mead­ow to a young urban woodland.

Help us meet our $25,000 fundrais­ing goal by mak­ing a gift today.

Here are a few pho­tos of the gar­den­ing team and some of our amaz­ing gar­den­ing vol­un­teers at work on the Island!

Me in the green­house, check­ing on the plants we’re grow­ing from seed. (Pho­to: Sar­ma Ozols)
This year the team is com­mit­ted to plant­i­ng 100 trees on the Island, as part of our tree re-pop­u­la­tion ini­tia­tive. (Pho­to: Sar­ma Ozols)

Every year the Friends of Gov­er­nors Island raise near­ly 75% of the fund­ing need­ed to care for Gov­er­nors Island’s open spaces, but we can’t do it with­out you. Please pitch in to sup­port the gar­den­ing team in car­ing for the Island and pro­gress­ing these excit­ing, for­ward-look­ing projects. Your impact will ensure the Island’s longevi­ty as a nat­ur­al haven for decades to come. Click here to make your gift today.

Thank you for your part­ner­ship in car­ing for this oasis in New York Harbor.

See you on the Island soon,

Ele­na Day, Gov­er­nors Island Gardener

These projects will make the Island a more beau­ti­ful and wel­com­ing place for vis­i­tors, plants and pol­li­na­tors (like these Monarch but­ter­flies), alike!