! Alert

April 18, 2024: NYC Ferry is temporarily bypassing Governors Island due to mechanical maintenance. We apologize for any inconvenience and will share updates when service resumes. Ferries operated by the Trust for Governors Island are running as scheduled, click here for tickets and more information.

April 18, 2024: NYC Ferry is temporarily bypassing Governors Island due to mechanical maintenance. We apologize for any inconvenience and will share updates when service resumes. Ferries operated by the Trust for Governors Island are running as scheduled, click here for tickets and more information.

Trust for Gov­er­nors Island Announces Orga­ni­za­tions in Res­i­dence Select­ed for 2023 Pro­gram­ming Season


Nolan Park; photo by Philip Greenberg

The Trust for Gov­er­nors Island today announced the 2023 Orga­ni­za­tions in Res­i­dence, with non­prof­it orga­ni­za­tions from all five bor­oughs set to expand cul­tur­al offer­ings for Gov­er­nors Island vis­i­tors start­ing this spring. More than two dozen orga­ni­za­tions were select­ed for this annu­al sea­son­al pro­gram, and will present free visu­al art, envi­ron­men­tal edu­ca­tion, and cul­tur­al pro­gram­ming inside his­toric for­mer mil­i­tary hous­es from May through Octo­ber 2023.

Pre­sent­ed through Gov­er­nors Island Arts, the Trust’s sig­na­ture arts and cul­tur­al pro­gram, the Orga­ni­za­tions in Res­i­dence ini­tia­tive invites non­prof­its from across the city to present engag­ing pub­lic pro­grams while pro­vid­ing work­space and artist res­i­den­cies. Through this unique pro­gram, the Trust offers non­prof­it groups the oppor­tu­ni­ty to reach a diverse and grow­ing audi­ence of engaged vis­i­tors, where col­lab­o­ra­tion is encour­aged and work­space is pro­vid­ed free of charge. Each year, more than 200 artists and researchers receive flex­i­ble, free work­space through this pro­gram. Over the next decade, the City of New York and the Trust will invest in evolv­ing this sea­son­al pro­gram into year-round per­ma­nent homes for cul­tur­al orga­ni­za­tions on Gov­er­nors Island, cre­at­ing a one-of-a-kind cul­tur­al cam­pus in Nolan Park.

Each year, a dynam­ic group of non­prof­it orga­ni­za­tions con­verge here on Gov­er­nors Island to present some of the most excit­ing cul­tur­al expe­ri­ences our city has to offer,” said Clare New­man, Pres­i­dent and CEO of the Trust for Gov­er­nors Island. As the Island’s cul­tur­al com­mu­ni­ty con­tin­ues to grow, we look for­ward to wel­com­ing more vis­i­tors than ever to direct­ly engage with the artists, exhi­bi­tions, and oth­er cul­tur­al inter­ven­tions in Nolan Park and Colonels Row.” 

Gov­er­nors Island Arts’ Orga­ni­za­tions in Res­i­dence pro­gram and its par­tic­i­pants con­sis­tent­ly present unique, time­ly works, rep­re­sent­ing a pow­er­ful inter­sec­tion of per­spec­tives and pro­vid­ing an invalu­able cul­tur­al resource for Island vis­i­tors and all New York­ers,” said Juan Pablo Siles, Asso­ciate Cura­tor and Pro­duc­er at the Trust for Gov­er­nors Island. With eight new non­prof­its join­ing the Orga­ni­za­tions in Res­i­dence com­mu­ni­ty this year, vis­i­tors can look for­ward to enjoy­ing a range of pub­lic pro­gram offer­ings from cross-dis­ci­pli­nary orga­ni­za­tions from every sin­gle borough.”

This year’s cohort will present pro­gram­ming in and around the his­toric hous­es of Nolan Park and Colonels Row on Gov­er­nors Island, enliven­ing these his­toric dis­tricts dur­ing the Island’s high­est vis­i­ta­tion sea­son and hold­ing 200+ free pub­lic pro­grams for Island vis­i­tors. The hous­es will be open to the pub­lic Fri­day through Sun­day from 11am to 5pm begin­ning May 52023

The 2023 Orga­ni­za­tions in Res­i­dence are:

Amer­i­can Indi­an Com­mu­ni­ty House Man­hat­tan

ArtsCon­nec­tion Man­hat­tan*

Art­Crawl Harlem Man­hat­tan

BronxArt­Space The Bronx

Bil­lion Oys­ter Project Man­hat­tan

Escap­ing Time: Art from U.S. Pris­ons Man­hat­tan

Flux Fac­to­ry Queens

KODA Brook­lyn

Foun­tain House Man­hat­tan*

Har­vest­works Man­hat­tan

The Low­er East­side Girls Club Man­hat­tan*

The Muse­um of Con­tem­po­rary African Dias­po­ran Arts (MoCA­DA) Brook­lyn

New Art Deal­ers Alliance (NADA) Man­hat­tan

New York Latin Amer­i­can Art Tri­en­ni­al Man­hat­tan

NYC Audubon Man­hat­tan

Oye Group Brook­lyn*

Pratt School of Archi­tec­ture Brook­lyn

Project Bring It Home/​The Stars of Tomor­row Project, Inc. Man­hat­tan*

Res­i­den­cy Unlim­it­ed (RU) Brook­lyn

Stat­en Island Urban Cen­ter Stat­en Island*

Swale Brook­lyn

Syra­cuse Uni­ver­si­ty Stu­dio Art M.F.A. Syra­cuse, NY

Tai­wanese Amer­i­can Arts Coun­cil Queens*

Trans­Bor­der­Art Queens*

West Harlem Art Fund Man­hat­tan

* Denotes a first-time mem­ber of the Orga­ni­za­tions in Res­i­dence program

In addi­tion, NYU Gal­latin Wet­Lab (Man­hat­tan) and Cumbe: Cen­ter for African and Dias­po­ra Dance (Brook­lyn) will present free out­door pro­grams, class­es, work­shops, and events at dif­fer­ent loca­tions around the Island dur­ing the pro­gram­ming sea­son. Click here to view more infor­ma­tion about the 2023 Orga­ni­za­tions in Residence. 

Since open­ing to the pub­lic in 2005, Gov­er­nors Island has become a beloved des­ti­na­tion and cul­tur­al resource for New York City. Begin­ning in 2013, the Trust has com­mis­sioned sig­nif­i­cant per­ma­nent and tem­po­rary art­works by artists includ­ing Rachel Whiteread, Susan Philip­sz, David Brooks, Jacob Hashimo­to, Shantell Mar­tin, Duke Riley, Richard Move, Sam Van Aken, Mark Dion, and Charles Gaines. 

Gov­er­nors Island has under­gone a tremen­dous trans­for­ma­tion over the last decade, includ­ing the expan­sion of year-round pub­lic access and the cre­ation of a resilient 43-acre park, a grow­ing arts and cul­tur­al pro­gram, and remark­able growth in audi­ence. The Island is home to a diverse num­ber of year-round ten­ants, includ­ing the Urban Assem­bly New York Har­bor School, Low­er Man­hat­tan Cul­tur­al Coun­cil, Bil­lion Oys­ter Project, Shan­dak­en: Projects, Beam Cen­ter, the Insti­tute for Pub­lic Archi­tec­ture, and QCNY, as well as But­ter­milk Labs — a new mul­ti-ten­ant hub for coastal cli­mate solu­tions announced in Fall 2021

The Trust is cur­rent­ly in the process of select­ing an anchor edu­ca­tion­al and research insti­tu­tion as part of the Cen­ter for Cli­mate Solu­tions, a ground­break­ing ini­tia­tive designed to fur­ther New York City as a glob­al leader in efforts to respond to the cli­mate cri­sis. A key part of May­or Adams’ Rebuild, Renew, Rein­vent: A Blue­print for NYC’s Eco­nom­ic Recov­ery,” the project will sup­port the research, devel­op­ment and demon­stra­tion of equi­table cli­mate solu­tions for New York City— that can be scaled and applied globally.