! Alert

NYC Ferry is operating on a a modified schedule from October 20 to October 23, 2024, to accommodate ridership patterns during Sukkot. Click here for more information.

NYC Ferry is operating on a a modified schedule from October 20 to October 23, 2024, to accommodate ridership patterns during Sukkot. Click here for more information.

Climate Piloting Opportunities

The Trust for Gov­er­nors Island offers the unique oppor­tu­ni­ty for star­tups, small busi­ness­es, non­prof­its, and entre­pre­neurs to test cli­mate solu­tions that address cli­mate mit­i­ga­tion, cli­mate adap­ta­tion, and envi­ron­men­tal jus­tice. Select­ed projects uti­lize the Island’s built, social, and nat­ur­al envi­ron­ments — includ­ing a 2.2‑mile water­front, 43-acre cli­mate-resilient park, 7 miles of car-free streets, 50+ his­toric build­ings, and sew­er and water infra­struc­ture — allow­ing them to accel­er­ate cli­mate inno­va­tion, eco­nom­ic oppor­tu­ni­ty, and social impact in diverse urban communities.

All pilot­ing projects on Gov­er­nors Island address issues of cli­mate mit­i­ga­tion, cli­mate adap­ta­tion, and/​or envi­ron­men­tal justice:

  • Mit­i­ga­tion: Does it reduce cli­mate change?
  • Adap­ta­tion: Does it help peo­ple adapt to life in a chang­ing climate?
  • Envi­ron­men­tal Jus­tice: Does it ensure that every­one, regard­less of race, col­or, nation­al ori­gin, or income, has the right to the same envi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tions and ben­e­fits? Does it mean­ing­ful­ly involve peo­ple from affect­ed communities?

Projects are all tem­po­rary and intend­ed to sup­port prod­uct or ser­vice devel­op­ment through test­ing and solu­tions validation.

Want to bring your solution to Governors Island?

Annu­al Cli­mate Solu­tions Challenge

Themed chal­lenge that awards access to a project site with no fee, $10,000 grant award, and access to a com­mon pool of $100,000 in addi­tion­al sup­port to up to five Pilot Part­ners to deploy cli­mate solu­tions that accel­er­ate cli­mate inno­va­tion, eco­nom­ic oppor­tu­ni­ty, and social impact in diverse urban com­mu­ni­ties. The 2023 theme, Water Abun­dance, asked, How can water help to pow­er cli­mate solu­tions that grow blue and green jobs and cre­ate health­i­er com­mu­ni­ties?” The select­ed Pilot Part­ners are:

FOUNDER: Brian Wilson

Based in the South Bronx, Duro UAS develops advanced environmental monitoring technologies to expand access to environmental intelligence with the goal of improving how environmental data is collected and shared with affordable, easy-to-use water monitoring systems and data services.

Product: Nearshore Sonde
Advancing IoT (Internet of Things)-based environmental monitoring for urban ecosystem resilience and diversifying the climate tech workforce.
Location: In the water at Soissons Landing (pictured) and Yankee Pier

Duro UAS will pilot portable continuous water quality monitoring devices (or “sondes”) in the waters off Governors Island that will collect data including pH, dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity, oxidation-reduction potential, and temperature. This information will be available in real time through the Duro Dashboard—a cloud-based data visualization and analysis tool—providing the public access to key water data from New York Harbor.

FOUNDER: Jamie Ong

Just EcoCities represents a nature-based solutions consultancy working to improve water quality, expand habitat, and promote engagement with New York City’s waterways.

Product: Tidal Planter
Modular wetland system fused with living shoreline design to expand habitat, improve water quality, and engage communities with their waterways.
Location: Water Abundance Hub at Yankee Pier (installation coming soon)

On Governors Island, Just EcoCities will partner with Biohabitats, an ecological design firm whose mission is to restore the Earth and inspire ecological stewardship, to pilot a Tidal Planter that creates salt marsh while removing pollutants from New York Harbor.

FOUNDER: Noemi Florea

Laero represents a collaboration between experts across fields of water advocacy, manufacturing, and electromechanical engineering working to reduce the levels of untreated wastewater that enter New York City’s municipal infrastructure.

Product: Cycleau
Decentralized point-of-use greywater treatment retrofits that can reduce water pollution in local waterways.
Location: ADA bathroom trailer at Yankee Pier & Parade Ground water station (behind Nolan Park)

Cycleau is a compact greywater treatment system that is designed to retrofit below sinks, showers, and laundry machines. On Governors Island, the system will be installed at the Parade Ground water station and the Yankee Pier bathrooms. The Cycleau system will directly involve Island visitors in the water quality treatment process while modeling a scalable solution for wastewater management that can be easily deployed in urban areas worldwide. Throughout the pilot, they will engage visitors in water quality testing and raise awareness of the impacts of wastewater pollution on New York City neighborhoods.

FOUNDER: Marcus Carter

Object Territories is a critical design practice based in New York and Hong Kong that works at the intersection of architecture, landscape, and urbanism. Their pilot on Governors Island represents a collaboration with the Center for Architecture, Science, and Ecology (CASE) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

Product: Intertidal Objects
Coastal infrastructure retrofits that actively promote biodiversity along the water’s edge by creating refuge and reducing heat stress through design.
Location: Water Abundance Hub at Yankee Pier (installation coming soon)

Object Territories will install their Intertidal Objects along Governors Island’s shoreline. The Intertidal Objects are retrofitted concrete ecological coastal armoring units that promote a living shoreline and provide erosion protection, and were designed in collaboration with the Center for Architecture, Science, and Ecology (CASE) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, after NATURE, and Fort Miller Group. They create refuge for wildlife and reduce heat stress, and have been previously deployed in Hong Kong.

Gita Nandan, Founder, RETI center and Principal, thread collective
Tim Gliman Sevcik, Executive Director, RETI Center

RETI Center is a Red Hook-based nonprofit that works to educate, train, and work with local youth, experts, professionals, and community members to transform our coastal city from one that is driven by fossil fuels to one balancing equity, ecology, and economy.

Product: BlueBlocks Gardens
Scalable education and training platform for local youth leaders in living shoreline construction and ecological monitoring.
Location: Water Abundance Hub at Yankee Pier

RETI Center will install their BlueBlocks Gardens, modular nature-based floating marshlands, in the waters off Governors Island with design lead thread collective. With a multilayered design that mimics an integrated ecological system, the BlueBlocks Gardens allow marine habitat to thrive both in and above the water. Previously deployed in Red Hook, this pilot will test the product’s resiliency and bring the project’s unique education and training platform to Governors Island’s community of visitors, partners, and tenants.

FOUNDERS: Shanjana Mahmud and Luke Eddins

Seaweed City is a citizen science initiative exploring the benefits of seaweed aquaculture in New York City’s waterways

Product: Urban Seaweed Farming and Nursery
Urban seaweed farming to restore marine ecosystems, clean waterways, and promote community investment in the New York City estuary.
Water Abundance Hub at Yankee Pier

Seaweed City will pilot their urban kelp farming infrastructure in the high energy coastal waters off Governors Island, demonstrating how aquaculture contributes to ecologically, economically, and culturally productive urban shorelines and creating the first kelp nursery in the five boroughs. The project is fiscally sponsored by Newtown Creek Alliance.

Gen­er­al Rolling Call for Solutions

Year-round oppor­tu­ni­ties to pilot solu­tions that meet the gen­er­al selec­tion cri­te­ria. Pilot Part­ners on this track are respon­si­ble for all project costs and receive access to a project site (with no fee), tech­ni­cal sup­port, and pro­mo­tion­al oppor­tu­ni­ties. Gen­er­al appli­ca­tions are reviewed on a rolling basis. Cur­rent pilots include:

FOUNDER: Chris Graff and Barent Roth

Circular Economy Manufacturing is a start up company created after winning a competition asking for ideas to turn NYC’s trash into products.

Photo by Barent Roth

Product: MicroFactory
Location: South Battery

Visit South Battery to experience Circular Economy Manufacturing's 100% solar powered MicroFactory capable of recycling single use plastic into durable eco-friendly products using an innovative, energy efficient, rotational molding process. Within a repurposed shipping container they shred post-con­sumer plas­tic col­lect­ed by the City of New York that may oth­er­wise be sent to landfill, melt it and mold it into prod­ucts using only the attached solar pan­els for pow­er.


GrowNYC is an environmental nonprofit in New York City helping more than 3 million New Yorkers by providing essential sustainability services and taking action to make NYC a truly livable city.

Product: Container Farm
Location: Parade Ground (behind Colonels Row)

Demonstrating the future of urban hydroponic farming.

GrowNYC's Container Farm is a joint effort between the organization, Con Edison, EPRI, and the Trust for Governors Island. Their hydroponic system produces less CO2 emissions, uses 10 times less water than traditional agriculture, and can grow food in all seasons and weather conditions. Currently, the pilot is growing lacinato kale as part of a wider research project to collect data on growth and energy efficiency. The produce grown is donated to New Yorkers in need through GrowNYC's network of community-based partnerships.

FOUNDERS: Nathan King, Tiya Gordon

Highly scalable, itselectric is the world’s public charging system powered by buildings. The two leading barriers for EV adoption in the US are the cost of EVs and directly after that access to charging. itselectric's model of providing free chargers that revenue share back to communities that closes the gap for the current disparities in where charging can be found. Highly scalable, itselectric is the world’s public charging system powered by buildings.

Product: Behind The Meter Level 2 EV Charging
Public charging solution that brings clean transportation infrastructure and the benefits of the green economy into neighborhoods around the U.S.
Location: Battery Maritime Building ferry terminal and other locations to be installed (for use by Governors Island operations vehicles; Governors Island is a car-free space)

To support the Trust for Governors Island's goal of all-electric operations vehicles, several charging posts will be installed across Governors Island. This unique technology connects behind-the-meter to draw spare electrical supply from adjacent buildings, leveraging existing resources and providing a model for widespread installation. itselectric charging posts have previously been installed in Brooklyn, New York, Detroit, Michigan, with a critical focus on frontline and Justice 40 communities to bring affordable, equitable, curbside EV charging to city drivers across the United States.

FOUNDER: Melissa Barber, MD, and Mychal Johnson

South Bronx Unite brings together neighborhood residents, community organizations, academic institutions, and allies to improve and protect the social, environmental, and economic future of Mott Haven and Port Morris.

Product: Community Science Air Quality Monitoring
Location: Base of Outlook Hill

Citizen science-driven air quality monitoring and analysis.

South Bronx Unite has installed low-cost air quality monitors throughout the South Bronx that will collect data to be uploaded for analysis and public access. They have installed a "control" monitor on Governors Island to measure waterfront air quality in a less dense urban environment. This initiative includes a STEM curriculum to provide training to middle and high school teachers and to involve students in building and using the sensors.

FOUNDER: Garrett Boudinot

Vycarb is a Brooklyn-based startup enabling decentralized carbon removal through real-time, autonomous, and direct measurement of CO2 in water.

Product: Autonomous Carbon Monitoring Device

Using novel technology for real-time, direct, and autonomous measurement of the full carbon cycle and the responsive management and removal of carbon in water.

Vycarb is piloting their autonomous carbon measurement and mitigation apparatus at the end of Pier 102 on Governors Island. The device removes carbon dioxide from water, stores it as stable dissolved carbon in water, and measures exactly how much carbon was removed in a low-cost, modular, hardware-software integration.