! Alert

Power has been restored after an unexpected outage on Friday, July 26. Governors Island is open as usual, with ferries running from Manhattan and Brooklyn all weekend. Click here for more information.

Power has been restored after an unexpected outage on Friday, July 26. Governors Island is open as usual, with ferries running from Manhattan and Brooklyn all weekend. Click here for more information.

Support our 2024 Spring Campaign

This spring, we’re cel­e­brat­ing the immea­sur­able impact that spend­ing time out­doors has on our health and well-being. Green spaces are unde­ni­ably good for men­tal health, and places like Gov­er­nors Island pro­vide a des­ti­na­tion that boosts hap­pi­ness and reduces stress for all res­i­dents of the city that nev­er sleeps. 

A dona­tion this spring will help give New York­ers a boost by expand­ing access to Gov­er­nors Island’s 120 acres of green space, pro­vid­ing a reprieve for all. See below for the many ways you can have an impact on Gov­er­nors Island this May! 

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