Photo courtesy of IPA

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Open Weekends
Nolan Park - Building 9

The Insti­tute for Pub­lic Archi­tec­ture’s new screen­ing room, high­light­ing an ani­ma­tion by Adam Paul Susa­neck of Seg­re­ga­tion by Design map­ping the relent­less path of the Brook­lyn-Queens Express­way through New York’s urban fab­ric, is open week­ends in March and April. ⁠Using his­toric aer­i­al pho­tog­ra­phy, this ongo­ing project aims to doc­u­ment the destruc­tion of com­mu­ni­ties of col­or due to red-lin­ing, urban renew­al,” and free­way con­struc­tion. Through a series of stark aer­i­al before-and-after com­par­isons, fig­ure-ground dia­grams, and demo­graph­ic data, this project reveals the extent to which the Amer­i­can city was method­i­cal­ly hol­lowed out based on race. The new screen­ing room and updat­ed library will be open these spring week­ends as a pre­view to the 2023 BQE Exhi­bi­tion open­ing in May.

Open Weekends
Nolan Park - Building 9