Photo by Sarma Ozols

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May 30, 2024, Jun 27, 2024, Jul 13, 2024

Take the fer­ry over to our green oasis for a spe­cial guid­ed tour to dis­cov­er and con­nect with the wildlife that calls this place home. Led by the Gov­er­nors Island Nature pro­gram along with CCNY Insect Ecol­o­gy Pro­fes­sor Amy Berkov, these month­ly tours will take par­tic­i­pants on a jour­ney through the young urban for­est of Ham­mock Grove and the immer­sive spaces at Out­look Hill and Dis­cov­ery Hill. You’ll get to learn about these resilient, built land­scapes direct­ly from the peo­ple who know them best, and get the chance to par­tic­i­pate in dif­fer­ent com­mu­ni­ty sci­ence projects. 

Click here to down­load iNat­u­ral­ist app in advance so you can log all the wildlife you spot dur­ing your vis­it. Gov­er­nors Island Nature Walks are free and open to all, and are held entire­ly out­doors on Gov­er­nors Island. Each tour will depart from the arch­way at Liggett Ter­race. Fer­ry tick­ets are not includ­ed with this reser­va­tion and can be reserved sep­a­rate­ly at gov​is​land​.org/​ferry. Please plan to take the fer­ry depart­ing Man­hat­tan at 12pm and head direct­ly to Liggett Ter­race when you arrive. 

May 30, 2024, Jun 27, 2024, Jul 13, 2024