Photo by Timothy Schenck

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Mar 24, 2023

As part of New York Water Week, the Trust for Gov­er­nors Island is offer­ing a free guid­ed tour of Gov­er­nors Island.

Tour guides from the Trust will bring vis­i­tors through three nature-based fea­tures on Gov­er­nors Island: Colonels Row, the orig­i­nal shore­line of the Island; Ham­mock Grove, a young urban for­est with wind‑, heat- and drought-resis­tant species that native insects and birds call home; and Out­look Hill, with 360-degree views of Man­hat­tan, Brook­lyn, Stat­en Island, and the Stat­ue of Liberty.

The tour will involve 60 min­utes of walk­ing through flat and hilly ter­rain with gen­tle slopes. The tour will be entire­ly out­doors. The tour has a max­i­mum capac­i­ty of 25 par­tic­i­pants, please reg­is­ter below. 

Mar 24, 2023