Photo courtesy of L'Alliance New York

Oct 5, 2024
Saturday 8:00 AM — 2:00 PM

Orig­i­nal­ly com­mis­sioned for a Cycladic island, then restaged in the Tui­leries gar­dens, Greek-born and Paris-based chore­o­g­ra­ph­er Lenio Kak­lea designed this piece as a response to phys­i­cal land­scape. Con­sist­ing of three dis­tinct lev­els of spec­ta­tor­ship — near, far, and very far away — the per­for­mance blends envi­ron­ment with chore­o­graph­ic image, cre­at­ing a struc­ture that orga­nizes the audience’s visu­al expe­ri­ence. On Gov­er­nors Island, the piece will be per­formed and reimag­ined by local dancers, and built in direct response to its environment.

Per­for­mance Sched­ule: Octo­ber 5 at 12PM, 2PM, and 4PM

Pre­sent­ed in part­ner­ship with L’Alliance New Yorks Cross­ing The Line Fes­ti­val as part of INTER­VEN­TIONS, a site-respon­sive, mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary free annu­al per­for­mance series from Gov­er­nors Island Arts that presents local, nation­al, and inter­na­tion­al artists and invites audi­ences to expe­ri­ence work made and adapt­ed for the out­doors. Inter­ven­tions is curat­ed by Juan Pablo Siles, Asso­ciate Cura­tor and Pro­duc­er at the Trust for Gov­er­nors Island.

Oct 5, 2024
12:00 PM — 6:00 PM