! Alert

Governors Island Ferry Service will resume operations between the Battery Maritime Building and Soissons Landing beginning at 12pm on Monday, October 14. Click here for tickets, schedules, and more information.

Governors Island Ferry Service will resume operations between the Battery Maritime Building and Soissons Landing beginning at 12pm on Monday, October 14. Click here for tickets, schedules, and more information.

Photo by Julienne Schaer

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October 2 & October 9
Nolan Park - Nolan Park - Building 10B

All are wel­come to the series of inter­ac­tive Per­cus­sion Dance Work­shops. We will be using rhyth­mic steps, clap­ping, and an occa­sion­al shout out to explore sounds and cre­ate new dances or re-invent old ones. No pre­vi­ous expe­ri­ence required. No tap shoes required. Stop by and make some noise!

Work­shop lead­ers Megan Haungs and Toes Tira­noff com­bine ele­ments of jazz tap per­cus­sion, swing dance, vaude­ville, com­e­dy, and pup­pets in their shows. They have per­formed at LaMa­Ma E.T.C., Town Hall, NYU, Lin­coln Center’s Dam­rosch Park, Dixon Place and Bryant Park’s Piano in the Park.

Music selec­tions will com­mem­o­rate the late Pharoah Sanders.


Sun­day, Octo­ber 2: Per­cus­sive Danc­ing to 1930’s Big Band music

Sun­day, Octo­ber 9: Mak­ing music with stuff.” Com­bin­ing per­cus­sive dance steps with sounds made from every-day stuff” includ­ing paper bags. spoons, house­hold con­tain­ers, etc.

October 2 & October 9
Nolan Park - Nolan Park - Building 10B