! Alert

NYC Ferry is operating on a a modified schedule from October 20 to October 23, 2024, to accommodate ridership patterns during Sukkot. Click here for more information.

NYC Ferry is operating on a a modified schedule from October 20 to October 23, 2024, to accommodate ridership patterns during Sukkot. Click here for more information.

Photo courtesy of SailGP

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Jun 22, 2024, Jun 23, 2024

EVENT UPDATE: With late after­noon thun­der­storms fore­cast Sun­day, June 23, Sail­GP has made the deci­sion to bring for­ward its event sched­ule to pro­vide the best oppor­tu­ni­ty to stage all remain­ing fleet races and the win­ner-takes-all Final.

Sunday’s live rac­ing win­dow will now take place between 1 – 2pm ET. The Sail­GP Race Sta­di­um on Gov­er­nors Island will open at 11:30am and close at 4pm. All Sun­day tick­et hold­ers will be con­tact­ed directly.

The Mubadala New York Sail Grand Prix will deliv­er two days of action-packed rac­ing and enter­tain­ment! Kick off the first offi­cial week­end of sum­mer by cheer­ing on the U.S. Sail­GP Team as they bat­tle nine oth­er coun­tries against the back­drop of the world’s most icon­ic sky­line. New York City is SailGP’s 12th stop on a 13-event glob­al sail rac­ing cham­pi­onship and deliv­ers enter­tain­ment and fast boats, great action and excit­ing com­pe­ti­tion. Come for the par­ty, stay for the rac­ing – no sail­ing expe­ri­ence required to enjoy a great week­end on Gov­er­nors Island.

Sailing’s best ath­letes will com­pete on iden­ti­cal 50-foot fly­ing cata­ma­rans, fly­ing over New York Har­bor at 60+ mph right in front of the Sail­GP Race Sta­di­um. Before and after rac­ing, fans can enjoy food and drinks, live music and more. 

Jun 22, 2024, Jun 23, 2024