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May 5, 2024
Western Promenade - Western Promenade - Urban Assembly New York Harbor School

Don’t miss the 6th Annu­al New York Har­bor Oys­ter Clas­sic 5K! This race around Gov­er­nors Island ben­e­fits the Urban Assem­bly New York Har­bor School (locat­ed on Gov­er­nors Island) and its pro­grams work­ing to restore the waters of New York Har­bor, and train­ing the next gen­er­a­tion of pilots, divers, engi­neers, marine tech­ni­cians, cli­mate change spe­cial­ists and marine biologists.

All reg­is­trants will receive a camp­ing mug, an all fin­ish­ers receive a Fish­ers Island Oyster!

May 5, 2024
Western Promenade - Western Promenade - Urban Assembly New York Harbor School