! Alert

Governors Island Ferry Service will resume operations between the Battery Maritime Building and Soissons Landing beginning at 12pm on Monday, October 14. Click here for tickets, schedules, and more information.

Governors Island Ferry Service will resume operations between the Battery Maritime Building and Soissons Landing beginning at 12pm on Monday, October 14. Click here for tickets, schedules, and more information.

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Jun 24—26, 2022
The Play Lawns - The Play Lawns - Play Lawn Fields

Cel­e­brate Pride on Gov­er­nors Island! NYC Pride is excit­ed to announce the return of Pride Island, the pre­mière music fes­ti­val expe­ri­ence of Pride Week­end. Tick­ets avail­able now at the link below.

Event Sched­ule

Doors: 2pm

Lil’ Kim, Shenseea, Net­ta, Raye, Papi Juice


Doors: 2pm

Kim Petras, Eddie Mar­tinez, Dani Toro, Alex Chapman

21+ Event.‍No re-entry upon exit.‍No bags larg­er than a brick. Bag check avail­able on site. NYC Pride is com­mit­ted to bring­ing the com­mu­ni­ty togeth­er in per­son with basic safe­ty pre­cau­tions in place to ensure we can cel­e­brate Pride with the low­est pos­si­ble risk.

  • Mask wear­ing is option­al but encour­aged when inter­act­ing with others
  • Hand wash­ing sta­tions and san­i­tiz­er throughout
  • Guests will be asked to pro­vide proof of vac­ci­na­tion or a neg­a­tive test result

The Bat­tery Mar­itime Build­ing at 10 South Street in Low­er Man­hat­tan will serve as the pri­ma­ry entry point for all event goers. The Bat­tery Mar­itime Build­ing can be accessed by sub­way (1 to South Fer­ry, 45 to Bowl­ing Green, R to White­hall Street) or by bus (M9, M15, M20, M55). Fer­ries will be oper­at­ed by The Trust for Gov­er­nors Island. Pride Island atten­dees may show their tick­ets to board fer­ries depart­ing from the Bat­tery Mar­itime Build­ing; no addi­tion­al reser­va­tions are required.

Fer­ry Infor­ma­tion for Pride Island Tick­et Holders: 

  • Fer­ries will depart from Bat­tery Mar­itime Build­ing every 15 min­utes from 10:00am to 9:00pm and arrive 15 min­utes lat­er at Gov­er­nors Island Sois­sons Pier
  • Return fer­ries depart­ing every 15 min­utes from Sois­sons Land­ing on Gov­er­nors Island will arrive at the Bat­tery Mar­itime Build­ing 15 min­utes after departure.
  • The last fer­ries will depart Gov­er­nors Island at 11:15pm each night

Pride Island atten­dees are strong­ly encour­aged to take fer­ries to the event depart­ing from the Bat­tery Mar­itime Build­ing as out­lined above. Addi­tion­al fer­ry ser­vice to Gov­er­nors Island is avail­able via the Trust for Gov­er­nors Island’s week­end ser­vice depart­ing from Brook­lyn and via NYC Fer­ry for $2.75 pri­or to 7PM. Please note, after 7PM there is no ser­vice via NYC Fer­ry or to Brook­lyn. All return fer­ries for Pride Island guests will return to the Bat­tery Mar­itime Building.

Jun 24—26, 2022
The Play Lawns - The Play Lawns - Play Lawn Fields