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June 16, July 22, August 26
Nolan Park - Nolan Park - Lawn
Castle Williams - Governors Island National Monument - Castle Williams

Pre­sent­ing the 12th sea­son of the Rite of Sum­mer Music Fes­ti­val, tak­ing place Sum­mer 2023 on Gov­er­nors Island with six FREE out­door con­certs from June through August.

June 16: The Jazz WaHi Com­posers Sex­tet will per­form works and world pre­mieres of composer/​performer mem­bers: Julie Man­is­cal­co, Trum­pet; Berta Moreno, Tenor sax; Michael Rör­by, Trom­bone; Mark Kross, Piano; Eddy Khaimovich, Bass and Joseph Chi­diebere Emmanuel, Drums. Can­celled due to rain

July 22: Irish ensem­ble Dublin Gui­tar Quar­tet will per­form a pro­gram fea­tur­ing works by Bryce Dess­ner, Marc Mel­lits, Woj­ciech Kilar, Gyor­gy Ligeti and Philip Glass. This marks the first time an esteemed tour­ing glob­al ensem­ble will be pre­sent­ed by Rite of Sum­mer. Nolan Park, 1pm & 3pm

August 26*: PUBLI­Quar­tet will per­form selec­tions from their GRAM­MY-nom­i­nat­ed album, What is Amer­i­can, fea­tur­ing an amal­ga­ma­tion of styles that trace their roots to Amer­i­can Indige­nous and Black music. The title is intend­ed as both a ques­tion and a state­ment: the ques­tion inter­ro­gates our nation’s com­plex musi­cal tra­di­tions, while the state­ment projects tra­di­tions for­ward. Works will be announced from the stage. Nolan Park, 1pm & 3pm 

*RESCHED­ULED from August 25

Rite of Sum­mer shows will be pre­sent­ed twice the same day. Audi­ences should feel free to walk by, stop and lis­ten, lay down a pic­nic blan­ket and relax, eat, min­gle, and take in these engag­ing live performances. 

June 16, July 22, August 26
Nolan Park - Nolan Park - Lawn
Castle Williams - Governors Island National Monument - Castle Williams