! Alert

NYC Ferry will temporarily bypass Governors Island on Friday, April 19, 2024, from 10am-1:30pm. During this time, ferries operated by the Trust for Governors Island will run as scheduled. Click here for tickets and more information.

NYC Ferry will temporarily bypass Governors Island on Friday, April 19, 2024, from 10am-1:30pm. During this time, ferries operated by the Trust for Governors Island will run as scheduled. Click here for tickets and more information.

Clean Labour, Brendan Fernandes. Photo by Chester Toye.

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Sep 24, 2022
Colonels Row - Colonels Row - Building 404A

Help Want­ed! fea­tures the screen­ings of per­for­mances by Bren­dan Fer­nan­des and Jevi­joe Vitug & Mau­reen Cat­ba­gan as the Abang-guard Duo, along with situ per­for­mance by Kahori Kamiya.

This project explores the invis­i­bil­i­ty of immi­grant domes­tic work­ers by ana­lyz­ing the rela­tion­ship between dom­i­nance and resis­tance, their social iso­la­tion, and how they orga­nize in sol­i­dar­i­ty. How is it pos­si­ble to reflect on migrant work­ers as both a com­mod­i­ty and as an essen­tial labor force? Domes­tic work­ers are part of an invis­i­ble com­mu­ni­ty reject­ed by soci­ety for dif­fer­ent rea­sons, such as their eth­nic­i­ty, and their social and immi­gra­tion sta­tus. This cat­e­go­ry of work includes but is not lim­it­ed to nan­nies, clean­ing ser­vices, direct care­tak­ers, door­men, gar­den­ers, maids, and secu­ri­ty guards, among oth­er activities.

Help Want­ed! cen­ters domes­tic work­ers and how they for­ti­fy them­selves in an unjust and unequal sys­tem by incit­ing resis­tance and sol­i­dar­i­ty. Domes­tic work­ers are the focal point to be seen, heard, and appre­ci­at­ed. They are por­trayed as a vital ele­ment in the labor market. 

Sep­tem­ber Flux Sat­ur­day is the first of a series of events orga­nized by cura­tor Emireth Her­rera, in which she invites par­tic­i­pants to dis­cuss the resilience and empow­er­ment nec­es­sary for domes­tic work­ers to nav­i­gate their roles in a cap­i­tal­ist labor force. 


  • 3 – 4:30pm — Per­for­mance by Kahori Kamiya 
  • 3 – 5pm — Per­for­mances by Bren­dan Fer­nan­des, and Jevi­joe Vitug & Mau­reen Cat­ba­gan as the Abang-guard Duo (Per­for­mances will be screened on a loop) 

This event is free and open to the public.

Sep 24, 2022
Colonels Row - Colonels Row - Building 404A