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Weekly on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, starting from Jul 14, 2023, until Oct 29, 2023
Nolan Park - Nolan Park - Building 14

As the shore­lines are redrawn by the ris­ing tides, we redraw the shape of the ground on which we still stand. We adapt by reced­ing and build­ing denser, more effi­cient, and with more air. This exhi­bi­tion fea­tures six projects in diverse geo­graph­ic, cli­mat­ic, social, and eco­nom­ic con­texts. Each attempts to fill in the gaps, build up, and make liv­ing on top of, next to, and togeth­er with each oth­er a beau­ti­ful propo­si­tion in the 21st Century. 

Pratt Insti­tute is one of the 2023 Gov­er­nors Island Arts Orga­ni­za­tions in Residence

Weekly on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, starting from Jul 14, 2023, until Oct 29, 2023
Nolan Park - Nolan Park - Building 14