! Alert

Power has been restored after an unexpected outage on Friday, July 26. Governors Island is open as usual, with ferries running from Manhattan and Brooklyn all weekend. Click here for more information.

Power has been restored after an unexpected outage on Friday, July 26. Governors Island is open as usual, with ferries running from Manhattan and Brooklyn all weekend. Click here for more information.

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Weekly on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, starting from Sep 9, 2023, until Oct 31, 2023
Colonels Row - Colonels Row - Building 404A

The Epilep­tic Eye, curat­ed by Malo Sutra Fish, is a ground­break­ing exhi­bi­tion show­cas­ing the work of women artists liv­ing with epilep­sy from around the world in order to raise aware­ness and cre­ate a dia­logue through the empow­er­ing plat­form of the arts.

Short films that have been select­ed in fes­ti­vals around the world, pho­tog­ra­phy, instal­la­tion, and cro­chet by artists Sal­ly Cin­na­mon (Cana­da), Cin­ta­mani Calise (UK-USA-Italy), Cristi­na Breazu (France — Roma­nia) and Malo Sutra Fish (France — USA) form this rare exhibition.

This show invites the pub­lic to enter an immer­sive, tac­tile space open­ing a dis­cus­sion regard­ing our per­son­al and shared expe­ri­ences of this neu­ro­log­i­cal con­di­tion. Our art, inex­tri­ca­bly impact­ed by our con­di­tion, became our tool to com­mu­ni­cate to oth­ers about the para­dox­es ris­ing from hav­ing epilepsy.

In this set­ting, we open our per­spec­tive on life with this com­mon con­di­tion, and the art prac­tices that form in response to it. We bring to light the tran­scen­dence that vis­its and moti­vates our sur­vival togeth­er. The crush­ing con­trast of our expe­ri­ences with epilep­sy – the way it can bring us to the edges of con­scious­ness in a beau­ti­ful, frag­ile, fright­en­ing way – this is what we display.

Flux Fac­to­ry is one of the 2023 Gov­er­nors Island Arts Orga­ni­za­tions in Residence

Weekly on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, starting from Sep 9, 2023, until Oct 31, 2023
Colonels Row - Colonels Row - Building 404A