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Oct 23, 2021
Colonels Row - Colonels Row - Building 404A

Whis­per­ing Arch­i­pel­ago is a music per­for­mance with a focus on not just pre­sent­ing music out­doors; rather, inte­grat­ing the sound­scapes of Gov­er­nors Island as a per­for­mance ele­ment. This gen­tle and reserved musi­cal per­for­mance will com­ple­ment, har­mo­nize with and enhance the son­ic land­scape of the Island.

Antho­ny Janas Retired Magi­cian. Boat Cap­tain. Sound Artist with a focus on advanced mod­u­lar syn­the­siz­er tech­niques and dig­i­tal­ly processed field record­ings. Mem­ber of mul­ti­me­dia group known as Urbe and sem­i­nal noise/​performance group Pan­icsville. Con­tribut­ing artist for the Mid­west Soci­ety for Acoustic Ecology.Anthony Janas has pre­sent­ed work through­out the Unit­ed States, Mex­i­co and West­ern Europe. Antho­ny Janas work has ranged from sound instal­la­tions on sail­boats to play­ful per­for­mances such as jug­gling cheese­burg­ers. Antho­ny Janas’s work attempts to merge the insti­tu­tion­al and pas­toral moments of human existence.

Aman­da Gutiér­rez Trained and grad­u­at­ed ini­tial­ly as a stage design­er from The Nation­al School of The­ater. Gutiér­rez uses sound and per­for­mance art to inves­ti­gate how these aur­al con­di­tions affect every­day life. She is active­ly advo­cat­ing lis­ten­ing prac­tices while being one of the board of direc­tors of the World Lis­ten­ing Project and cur­rent­ly as the sci­en­tif­ic comitée of the Red Ecología Acús­ti­ca Méx­i­co. She is a Ph.D. stu­dent at Con­cor­dia Uni­ver­si­ty in the HUMA depart­ment and a research assis­tant at labPULSE, the Acts of Lis­ten­ing Lab, and an active mem­ber at the Fem­i­nist Media Stu­dio at Con­cor­dia University.

Jenn Gross­man is a sound/​audiovisual artist and sound design­er based in Brook­lyn, NY. Her work is con­cerned with the psy­cho-spa­tial and expe­ri­en­tial poten­tials of sen­so­ry media, explor­ing dis­placed real­i­ties, staged syn­chronic­i­ty, cycli­cal time, mem­o­ry, dis­ori­en­ta­tion, embod­i­ment, and per­cep­tu­al affect. She’s presented/​performed at fes­ti­vals, muse­ums and con­fer­ences nation­al­ly and inter­na­tion­al­ly such as Black Moun­tain Col­lege & Muse­um, the Muse­um of the Mov­ing Image and the New York Tran­sit Muse­um, along with uncon­ven­tion­al pub­lic loca­tions like the Cen­tral Park tun­nels for Make Music New York and in a cell at Fort Jay for the Gov­er­nor’s Island Art Fair.

Bren­dan Lan­dis is a com­pos­er and per­former based in Queens, NY. His work explores themes of ani­mal folk­lore and sym­bol­ism, music as spir­i­tu­al prac­tice, and con­trast­ing extremes pre­sent­ed as nec­es­sary oppo­sites. In addi­tion to record­ing and per­form­ing music, Bren­dan gives work­shops on lis­ten­ing, singing, impro­vi­sa­tion, and intu­ition. He also writes songs as Anu­ra and Receive, and some­times plays in Teth­ers, Big Hia­tus, and Esther Chlorine

Oct 23, 2021
Colonels Row - Colonels Row - Building 404A