Fri­days, Sat­ur­days & Sun­days at 10:45AM, 12:45PM & 2:45PM

Look into the past of Gov­er­nors Island and learn about its excit­ing trans­for­ma­tion and future. In these free one-hour walk­ing tours led by Gov­er­nors Island Guides, you’ll exam­ine how his­toric preser­va­tion, inno­v­a­tive design, and envi­ron­men­tal stew­ard­ship make the Island what it is today: one of the most unique pub­lic places in New York City.

All walk­ing tours begin at the Gov­er­nors Island Wel­come Cen­ter at Sois­sons Land­ing and are led by Friends of Gov­er­nors Island vol­un­teer tour guides. Please email volunteer@​friendsgi.​org or check in at the Sois­sons Land­ing Wel­come Cen­ter to con­firm tour times for the day. All tours are weath­er permitting.