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Governors Island Ferry Service will resume operations between the Battery Maritime Building and Soissons Landing beginning at 12pm on Monday, October 14. Click here for tickets, schedules, and more information.

Governors Island Ferry Service will resume operations between the Battery Maritime Building and Soissons Landing beginning at 12pm on Monday, October 14. Click here for tickets, schedules, and more information.

Photo courtesy of Amelia Marzec

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Weekly on Saturday and Sunday, starting from Aug 19, 2023, until Sep 10, 2023
Colonels Row - Colonels Row - Building 404A

Open­ing: Sat­ur­day, August 19, 2 – 5pm
Artist Talk: Sat­ur­day, August 193pm

All That Is Seen And Unseen, a solo art exhi­bi­tion by Amelia Marzec at Flux Fac­to­ry on Gov­er­nors Island, presents a col­lec­tion of objects on the top­ic of a queer tech­no­log­i­cal East­ern Euro­pean diaspora.”

The instal­la­tion includes: shrines that broad­cast com­ing out sto­ries over Fam­i­ly Radio Ser­vice; a type­face inspired by an AI’s opin­ion of ear­ly Slav­ic writ­ing sys­tems; a sculp­ture that lis­tens for mil­i­tary air­craft through a radio hid­den in a folk art ceil­ing dec­o­ra­tion; and dig­i­tal pho­tographs that depict the body in rit­u­al gar­ments from Pagan mar­riage and Catholic priest­hood. Soft­ware with imagery based on tra­di­tion­al paper­cuts, depict­ing women’s bod­ies, weapons, and pre-Chris­t­ian sym­bols, will be shown. It will also be pro­ject­ed on church build­ings and insti­tu­tion­al archi­tec­ture dur­ing the run of the show, in con­junc­tion with the Island Lumi­nar­ia exhibition.

Addi­tion­al­ly, a vir­tu­al real­i­ty piece fea­tur­ing a walk­ing sim­u­la­tor filled with impo­tent paper doll tanks will be pre­sent­ed at Har­vest­works in Nolan Park.

Flux Fac­to­ry is one of the 2023 Gov­er­nors Island Arts Orga­ni­za­tions in Residence

Weekly on Saturday and Sunday, starting from Aug 19, 2023, until Sep 10, 2023
Colonels Row - Colonels Row - Building 404A