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Weekly on Saturday and Sunday, starting from Jun 4, 2022, until Oct 30, 2022

The Ear Hut + Lis­ten Ahead, a lis­ten­ing sta­tion cre­at­ed by Miya Masaoka

The Ear Hut is a lis­ten­ing space, a con­tem­pla­tive space that directs the atten­tion of the view­er towards an aware­ness of their sense of lis­ten­ing over their sense of sight, and how this shift in empha­sis might be expe­ri­enced in an impact­ful way. There are Ear-dows (rather than win­dows) that line the walls, and these ear-lev­­el open­ings encour­age a lis­ten­ing expe­ri­ence of the mix­ing of sounds of the inte­ri­or and exte­ri­or, allow­ing sounds from the out­side sound­scape to mix with the embed­ded sounds ema­nat­ing from hid­den loud­speak­ers in the bench.

Find The Ear Hut in between Pier 101 and the Laven­der Field, on the But­ter­milk Chan­nel across from Brooklyn.

Pre­sent­ed by Harvestworks

Weekly on Saturday and Sunday, starting from Jun 4, 2022, until Oct 30, 2022