Sarma Ozols

What to see now

Check out what’s in bloom on Gov­er­nors Island, updat­ed sea­son­al­ly. Don’t for­get: you can locate any tree on Gov­er­nors Island with our inter­ac­tive tree map!


Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry

Amelanchier x grandiflora

This natural hybrid between the Common and Allegheny serviceberry typically grows as a multi-stemmed tree (pictured here) or shrub. Its beautiful white flowers bloom in April, followed by edible fruits in June that resemble blueberries.

Where to find it: All 23 of these particular serviceberry trees can be found along the ADA-accessible pathway up Outlook Hill

Eastern redbud

Cercis canadensis

Native to eastern North America, the eastern redbud is a large shrub or small tree that can grow up to 30 feet tall. It has a dark, smooth bark and bright, showy pink flowers in the spring. The flowers provide vital food sources for long-tongued bees, including carpenter bees.

Where to find it: Along the western edge of Hammock Grove on the way to Slide Hill

Prairie smoke

Geum triflorum

Prairie smoke is a late spring/early summer blooming perennial native to North America that’s just beginning to emerge. Its bloom bears clusters of nodding pink flowers, with gorgeous fluffy pink fruits emerging after pollination.

Where to find it: Hammock Grove

Pho­tos by Sar­ma Ozols