! Alert

NYC Ferry is operating on a a modified schedule from October 20 to October 23, 2024, to accommodate ridership patterns during Sukkot. Click here for more information.

NYC Ferry is operating on a a modified schedule from October 20 to October 23, 2024, to accommodate ridership patterns during Sukkot. Click here for more information.

Julienne Schaer

Tree Map

Near­ly 3,500 trees make up Gov­er­nors Island’s urban for­est, pro­vid­ing essen­tial ben­e­fits for Island vis­i­tors and all New York­ers: they cap­ture and remove pol­lu­tion from the air, help mit­i­gate cli­mate change by absorb­ing and seques­ter­ing car­bon diox­ide, reduce runoff and oth­er flood­ing dur­ing weath­er events, help cool our com­mu­ni­ties, and fos­ter crit­i­cal biodiversity.

Below, you can explore all 3,500 trees and learn about their spe­cif­ic eco-ben­e­­fits with our TreePlot­ter™ Com­mu­ni­ty Engage­ment Map.