Monthly on the first Saturday of the month, starting from May 4, 2024, until Nov 1, 2024
Urban Farm - Urban Farm

Dis­cov­er a world of bees, com­post, and organ­ic gar­den­ing right in New York City! Join the Bee Con­ser­van­cy, Earth Mat­ter NY, and GrowNYC for a tour of the Urban Farm on Gov­er­nors Island, and learn about each orga­ni­za­tion’s work. Tours take place on the first Sat­ur­day of every month from 2 – 3:30pm (weath­er per­mit­ting). Meet at Gate 14 (Urban Farm entrance near Yan­kee Hang­er and Liggett Ter­race) at 1:55pm to join the tour. 

Can’t make the tour? The Urban Farm is open every week­end from May 4 through the end of Octo­ber from 12 – 4pm for indi­vid­ual explo­ration!

Getting to Urban Farm
20 Minutes from Soissons Landing 15 Minutes from Yankee Pier
10 Minutes from Soissons Landing 5 Minutes from Yankee Pier
Monthly on the first Saturday of the month, starting from May 4, 2024, until Nov 1, 2024
2:00 PM — 3:30 PM
Urban Farm - Urban Farm